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Lindsey's POV

*Back at the House*

"Come on, Cupa. I can make a meal with any five ingredients. Name them." I ask her. She's playing with Mittens. "No. That'll taste terrible!" She replies. I'm busy trying to boil eggs when I her her yell. "LINDSEY! SOMETHING IS HAPPENING TO MITTENS!" Cupa shouts. I glance over. Whoa! There's like, this bright light surrounding her. I run over to Cupa. The light dims down to reveal a girl with long, black hair, olive skin, a black turtleneck and leggings, and black and white ears. "Lessee... Uh... Steak, oregano, Asiago cheese, paprika, and sprinkles." She says. What just happened?! Cupa is clinging to my arm. "Who are you?" She asks. "Where is my beloved Mittens?" "I am Mittens. Only that's not my name. Call me Savannah." She replies.

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