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One moment, you're there. The next, you're not. Simple as that. And yet, it's so complex, so mystifying. It easily perplexes many. How can it be so close, so intimate to us, and yet remain a mystery? Such a small event being so big? Having such a huge effect? These unanswered questions express the mystery and uncertainty of those who feel its effects. They were so healthy, so happy, so full of life.. .

Now you'll never see their face again. Hear their voice. Feel their touch. Reassure the love you have for them.

The tears stream down the faces of the close ones. They hold onto one another, thinking that, if they hold on tight enough, that person might feel it as well, and come back to them. They don't want to recognize the fact that it's all over. All of it. They cling to a wish. That wish is slowly pushed away as time progresses and sanity returns. They run out of tears. The future is dark to them, filled with some more tragic cases. They turn to the past, where everyone is still "there." They let themselves get caught in it, they let it drive them mad. Only the strong hand of reality can help put them into the present, preparing for the future, and only looking to the past for a few happy memories and lessons learned.

The ones who have gone on look back at them, these depressed ones, with soft smile upon their own faces. They wish the others would stop mourning, start celebrating. They wish the others to realize that they are now free of the worldly bonds, happy as can be. Those waiting are even happy. All of them thrilled to watch. And so these passed ones grin from ear to ear on their earthed loved ones. They know that they are unconscious there, not living, just as their own bodies lying still beneath six feet of dirt. They can't wait for the others to join them, perched high above.

And so the dead see over the blind living, death not a mystery to them, and laughing at how the others think it is. They send one message.

Don't worry, I'm finally Happy.. .

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