Him and my Heart

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Heartbroken, after my first love left me, I thought that I would never be able to love anyone the same way ever again. Everything reminded me of him. I didn't want anyone to replace him cause he meant so much to me. So, i kept myself from everyone that tried to get into my life. I lived with an emptiness for years. I thought that I wouldn't be able to feel the same way for anyone ever again but...
i met a guy... through one of my distant friends. At first I didn't want anything to have to do anything with him cause I knew I would get hurt all over again if I did. But after a while i decided to give it a try. He seemed sincere about me. I fell in love again. I was scared at first cause I didn't want to be left heartbroken again. Soon enough we were always together. I cherished every second we were together. One day... I got scared i was too afraid to continue. I was left alone again. It was too much for me to handle. I fell in love again. It wasn't like anything that I've experienced before. I knew where I stood with him. Then... my own stupidity fucked it up. I didn't see any point in going on. But I knew I had to. But there was just something about him that I couldn't let go of. Then it hit my like a rock. He took something from me that no one ever had. My heart. No matter how anyone tells me that I have to move on I can't. No matter how much I want to and how much I try. He took away my most valuable possession. My love, my heart. Now I sit here alone. Staying up at remembering everything that we ever had, dreaming about how it would be if we were still together. That emptiness in my heart can never be filled. And no matter what he'll always have a place in my heart.

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