R. I. P.

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I used to think that nothing would ever change between us. I was wrong, I was in this brief fantasy of everything perfect. I never noticed your lies, I always figured you just said it wrong. That you never thought you lied, but now it all makes sense. You never cared, you just used me as a buffer untill you found someone new. I don't get why you couldn't have been honest. I told you from the start I'd understand but no you had to lie. It seems that's all you were good at. The time I spent with you was amazing but I can't just look at it so positively when all it brought me was dispare. All the nights I would stay up to help you, but I was the one who never cared. All the times I'd sit with you while you cried. But it's whatever. I have someone now that's not gonna take my for granted and leave me like I was nothing. You are the most disgusting scum this earth has ever manufacturered. You disgust me. I hope one day you get a little taste of karma, Just a little sprinkle of what you did to me. Then maybe finally you'll see how strongly you impacted my life. And how negativly you put me down and made me feel worthless. I have no words to say to you, Idc if you just want to talk one of these days. The answer is no. I don't have time to waste another minute with the wrong person. I have the most amazing dude, so you can just live with the bitch with bad eyebrows 😂😂 Cya dude. R.I.P. Squad.

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