The Perfect Plan.

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I guess I never thought I'd see the day where, I didn't care about you anymore. You were a huge part of my life for the time being. I realized that you aren't worth it. The constant thinking and trying to change myself to be good enough. You made me hate myself, but now you make me hate who I became for you. You never were really there, you just used me. Admit it, you knew what you were doing. Be honest, you sat there said the sweet nothings in my ear just to make me fall. Yeah you swept me off my feet, but now I'm laying on the ground crying that I even met you. Crying bevause I knew that I should have never even spoken to you. The first words I said to you, meant nothing. They used to mean so much, out start. Now I look back and wish I walked the other way. You brought nothing but trust issues and insecurities to my life. For that, fuck you. Why did you chose me? Out of all the girls who were begging at your feet. You chose me to fuck with and lie to? Makes sense, see a broken girl, build her up so high just to watch her slam to the ground when she realizes what you are. The perfect plan huh?

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