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I sit here and stare blankly at my screen.  Knowing that writing all this down isn't doing anything.  It's not helping me,  it's not healing my pain.  It's just putting it out here in this cyber world.  Letting all these strangers read how I feel.  Some not strangers,  most friends,  or people who were once friends or people I know from school.  No one really cares if I sit here and write all of this.  How unhappy I am,  how much I hate myself.  There's no point, but maybe it does help me. I guess it gets my feelings out of my head.  So instead of them building up in my mind they go into this vault of my feelings.  But really,  no one who reads this is gonna ask if I'm okay. Their simply gonna skim through it,  say some comments to themselves and click off of it.  In life you realize you're always gonna end up alone.  No one stands by you forever.  People come and go,  the ones who say they are gonna stay never do.  Quite ironically they are the first to leave.  Always are.  No matter how much I want to talk to someone about my problems I don't,  I result to this cyber space.  I rather have human interaction,  someone who I can go talk to,  someone who I can sit down with and just talk to.  Not saying I don't have someone already like that.  But they aren't always available.  What happens when their busy and I need someone.  I'm fucked.  I'm alone,  trapped in my thoughts.  So I come here,  this orange colored app.  Where I can sit and type about all my problems.  I'm sure I'm not the only one,  I know I'm not.  I rely on this app.  Because when everyone else is busy it never is.  It's here to listen to my sadness.  It doesn't judge me,  it doesn't care if I'm balling my eyes out while writing.  It's nice to me.  I just want someone to ask me if I'm okay once and awhile. Is that really too much to ask for? Just someone to randomly be like Aye you good?  That is honestly all it takes. No one gets how much that text could help someone.  No matter if you know them or not.  No matter if you haven't talked in years or months.  To show you care makes someone so happy.  They think they actually give a Damn.  They show that you were thinking about them.

But of course that's just me.  I'm not everyone.  I'm just one out of a billion people in this world.  My opinion is nothing. 

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