That One Girl

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If one day she disappeared from the world no warning, no note, just gone.
Even if it was only one day, 24 hours
Would anyone notice?
Would anyone care she was gone?
The teachers see her cuts, they say nothing of it. 'It a phase' they think
She doesn't show up that day
She had no friends no one to miss her, no one to be upset if she was gone.
Would you notice her seat empty?
Would you care if she never came back?
Her parents too busy with work to even see their daughter slowly dying in front of them
Her brother too absorbed into his video game or his own life to care
Would her parents notice her presence no longer there?
Would they even care?
One day turns into weeks
The weeks turn into months
No one noticed.
No one cared.
Time goes by, a flyer gets put up with her picture
'Have you seen this girl'
No one cared about her
No one noticed her gone
Rumors soon pass though the halls at school
Be careful or you might die like that one girl
Careful you might run away like that girl
Would you notice that one girl?
Would you care if she was gone?
What could have happened to her?
Could she be free?
Living somewhere far away, living her life how she wanted?
Dead, chained up, on the bottom of a lake somewhere?
Run away with her true love, on an endless honeymoon?
A slave, living an endless life of abuse, physical and psychological?
Could the last thing she heard before her final breath be I love you
Or just the echoes of her own screams?
What if it was an old friend you have drifted away from?
Would you notice?
Would you care at all?
What if it was your worst enemy?
If you did notice,
Would you care?
An annoying sibling who you always wished would disappear finally did?
If you cared?

And if you were that girl, the one everyone forgot.
Would anyone notice you were gone?
Would anyone care at all?
Or would they carry on with life like you never existed at all.. .

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