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You would think that your teenage years would be the best ones of your life, right? Wrong!

You'll never know who your REAL friends are, they always say 'I'm here for you, if you need to talk to me I'm here' those people are the most ignorant people in this world. If you're not going to mean it don't say it, its that simple. Don't sit there and tell me how much you love and care for me if you don't really mean it. If you don't care great, if you do awesome. I honestly don't care either way, only because if you do soon you won't, it's that simple.

Everyone is temporary, don't get attached.

I never would have wished to grow up and be in high school when I was younger if I knew it would be like this. As soon as I hit about 13 I already was tired of life, tired of the judging of other people. I just wanted to die, because I knew no matter if I was breathing or not no one REALLY cared for me. If you're young please cherish it, don't fall into self harming please!! I know what it feels like to want to die, being in that moment where you just might cut a little deeper. Or maybe take all the pills hoping to fall into a deep sleep and never wake up. Or maybe this time step off the chair and let the rope get tighter around your neck where you can't take another breath. Don't let people hurt you, be open minded but not too open hearted. Don't let that popular boy take advantage of you. If he says he loves you, he doesn't. If they say you're fat or ugly, fuck them!! You are absolutely beautiful and don't let anyone tell you different.

And there's nothing wrong with you, you're never alone. If you need help, seek it. Don't wait for it to come to you or it never will. If you want something go for it. Be confident in yourself, if someone tries to put you down ignore them, their trying to make themselves happier and feel better.

And the most important, don't ever miss the chance to tell someone you love them, because tomorrow is never promised.. .

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