Memories.. .

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"Memories, cherish them. Nothing more you can really do. It sucks losing them, it truly does. "

But the memories just make missing them worse. And then the sadness. And when he leaves, I'm back to being alone. Yeah I'm alone a lot, but what am I gonna do without all the adventures and shit I had with him. Going through the woods was the best. Just the way he looks at certain things. The little glimmer in his eyes. The way he make the whole world seem non existent for awhile. Like nothing mattered but us. The way no matter how much I'm falling apart inside he makes me forget. And for a second I feel put together. Like he's the missing piece I was looking for. His eyes. oh God, his eyes an ocean that only gets more gorgeous the more you look at it. The way he can say the stupidest jokes, just to make me laugh. When he mocks me just to make me laugh.

The way he.. Just idk.

The way he acts when he thinks no ones watching. It's so adorable. It's so him. And thinking about how all of this will just be a memory is depressing.

Thinking that we'll never make another memory

Thinking I'll never get to see that glimmer in his eyes one last time

Thinking I'll never get to hug him and console in him when I'm upset.

Realizing, he's gonna find someone better.
Someone that's beautiful, someone that's not sad. Someone that might enjoy the spontaneous adventures like I did.

But if anything, if he's happy with her, whoever she may be. I'm happy. No matter how bad I just want to have that one last walk, one last hug.
His happiness is all I care about. And I will never forget how he impacted my life.

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