So Peaceful

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Do you know living without you is a pain, its truly as if I was insane as if I want to kill myself. As I walk into the kitchen and I see the knife on the counter top as my heart beats, I'm getting closer to my wrist wondering, Is it worth it. I am about to take a knife, as I put it to my wrist it cuts through my skin. I ask myself does it feel good or should I never cut myself again. Now I walk back to my room as if nothing happened. When I got to my room I look out my window there is my body on the ground, it was just me imagining things and as I put a rope around my neck I thought of the good times and then the phone rang. I got the phone as I struggled,I forgot the rope was around my neck and its your name lighting up my phone. I answer it and the rope is pulling tighter then as I am about to fall I say my final goodbye and that I always loved you. Then my neck snaps. My limp body just hangs there so peaceful, so angelic.

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