I Thought

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Maybe I just thought one day it wouldn't be like this anymore. Us, constantly trying to hurt the other. Posting things only WE knew what they meant. It's been eating me up for days. I can't act like I don't care anymore. Seeing that you're. So much better without me, it makes me happy that you finally are truly happy. But that's what scares me the most, is that smile as fake as it used to be? Does that smile behold something much darker than before? I can't tell you how many times I wanted to say hi to you when I seen you in public, but didn't in fear you'd look at me and just walk away. I guess the years we've been through was nothing. It seems to be that way. I don't regret anything, I can't. Everything I did for you was worth it. Just to see you happy. Even though sometimes I was the reason behind your sadness. I'm happy you're happy, that you're safe. I can only wish you the best. You might think I have forgotten about you. Tbh not a day passed where I didn't wonder where you were. How you were doing. Etc. I can see that you're better off without me. I'm glad that you're happy. I know I'm just repeating myself. But I don't know what to say. Yeah, I miss you. No, I'm not gonna interfere with your life with mine anymore. You've helped me enough. You've stayed up too many nights helping me. It's time I just sit back and be happy that you're happy. No matter how much I wanna message you and see how you are. When I see the depressing posts. How much I wanna message you and make sure you're okay. I have to hold back. You have someone else who can help you more than me. I can only hope you don't fall into a place where you can't get out. Never let anything get to you too much. Don't let things upset you to the point you wanna disappear from this world.

I need to end this or I'll go on forever. I wish you the best, I hope it goes good. Life is an adventure, don't stay in one place. Venture to new parts.

This is my last. Goodbye to you. Cya "fam 😏😏"

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