High School

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Everyone always told us growing up that we would miss high school. That all of our friends would never talk to us again, ect. But that is bull shit. When you get out of high school, you find out who was really there for you. You find out so many things that don't matter anymore. There's no more popularity, no more prom queen and king. No ones above one another. It feels so good being out of there. But the one thing that you'll miss is the good memories you had. Maybe you met your best friend in high school and theyre still by your side till this day.

Personally, I found out how easy it is to get lost, when youre finally done with it you lose yourself. It only pushes you to find who you are. It shows you how much you care about people that you thought you hated. That person who got everything handed to them in school, now their struggling. That person who you thought was so perfect, they aren't. It all gets to real. All that high school beef, you see how stupid it is. Maybe "jenny" talked shit on you in high school. Well now Jenny has no one to talk to. So she searches trying to find someone, she goes to you. Would you let her in with open arms or ignore her because she talked shit on your shoes? You see how stupid that sounds. That's how high school is. Stupid. All the beef for no reason, all the drama. Why? Why would we miss that?

Real life has started, show you care. It's pointless to hold grudges over stupid things. You know you still care about those people you lost over petty things. Tell them, tell them you miss them. Why waste another day, another month thinking about "what ifs"?

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