A Year From Now

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I remember,  us. 
When we'd sit and have those stupid conversations about our future.  About how you and I were gonna be together forever. 
I remember,  the love.
The weird love only we shared,  how no matter what we loved each other, no judging. Only love,  pure love.  No problem with anything, with each other.
I remember, the breaks.
They sucked, but it showed us how much we needed one another.  Mostly my bad.  But it showed us the power of our bond.  Showed that we came back together 10x stronger than the last time. 
I remember,  the end.
Yes, the end.  Well I hate that phrase but I guess it's done.  It's over now.  Everytime before this it wasnt the definite end.  It was just mearly a break.  A few months,  maybe weeks.  But it's been awhile, this time maybe it is over.  I mean I have a guy i guess.  You seem happy with whatever you're doing. 
I just want,
I just want you to know that I care,  I hope you're doing fine.  I hope that you know I'm here for you.  I always will be.  No matter if I'm in a relationship with another guy or single asf.  I'm here.  And I hope you're here for me too.  Maybe you're not,  but it's fine,  really. I fucked up for the last time.  You decided to end it and leave.  You left at the one fucking time I really needed you.  Yeah I wasn't dating you but I wanted to be clean.  You know this,  you know how I felt about it.  And look,  I'm doing it, 8 days sober.  Are you proud?  Probably not. You never seemed to care.  You only wanted me to be your girlfriend.  That's all you cared about it seemed. 
Remember when you said that you don't care as long as I'm happy,  well look you're gone and I'm not happy.  You said we could just be friends.  Seems like we can't.  This pisses me off more than it should. I thought you loved ME.  But it seems you only loved the IDEA of me,  of having me.

But it's okay,  a year from now you won't even know my name.  You won't even recognize my voice.  You won't even remember the way I loved you.  And that is perfectly fine by me.


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