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Such a strong word, but I regret you. You never did anything but take. Take anything you could from me. Took my confidence, took my heart and broke it. You had me thinking you were the one, but you showed me otherwise. I regret everything. I regret meting you, saying hello. If I could go back I'd take it all back. The kisses, the hugs, the conversations. You never cared at all. You, fuck, Idek what else to say. You make me not want to trust anyone again. You make me not want to be in a real relationship again. Becaue when I thought it was real, it wasn't. I can't trust anyone now. You broke me down to my lowest point. Lower than I was when I was dealing with trying to get sober. I'm glad I'm strong enough to not relapse. Because if you would've done this a week earlier I would have. And you would be the reason for my downfall.

You are the reason for my insecurities. You make all of my emotions go wild. You make me feel numb. You knew what to say to get me back last time. I forgave you the first time. And the time after that. But I'm not going back. There is no going back to what we had. I've wasted too long on you. I have to give you up.
I just wish, wish you didn't turn out like everyone else.

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