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I've honestly never been happier than I am at this moment. Everything finally fell into place. I have a strong friendships, and never feel alone. I've never had such a positive outlook on life. I have a job, getting a car soon. And then moving out on my own. All of the struggles I've been through are worth it. The abusive boyfriends, losing friends I never thought I'd have to see go. All the mental abuse from my father, everything is so clear. Nothing they say about me really matters. I am my own person, I am doing a good ass job lately. I sound quite vain, but I have never been happier. I quit popping pills, drinking everything. Completely sober, and it's the best ever. I have a strong relationship with everyone I work with, they make me so damn happy. It's like a family most of the time.

I just wanted to thank you, for picking me up when I was low. Helping me through breakups and my insecurities. All the laughs we shared. The fights we had to go through. Making sure I didn't take my life. Helping me get to the place I am now. Without you I'd be 6 feet in the ground. I write so much about how I appreciate you. I feel it never really gets to you. But I know you're doing better too. I've told you how happy I am for you. I'm glad I could call myself your best friend for the time we were. You were a huge part of my life, and someone I'll never forget about. Again, thank you. You got me through the toughest years of my life.

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