Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:: Mr.Popular is just like me?!?!

As dinner approached I couldn't help, but to continue to look for the staff of the house. "Blondie who are you looking for?" I was yanked out of my musings when Reed sent me a curious look. I was busted and I couldn't help, but to blush. "Oh um I was looking for the house staff." This caused him to burst out in a fit of laughter witch made me blush more. It took him a while to be able to get ahold of himself. "House staff what are you talking about?" By this point I looked like a tomato with blonde hair. "You mean you don't have a butler a personal cook a maid?" He raised his eyebrow giving me a curious look. "We might be rich, but that doesn't mean we dwell on it. We're like any other normal family."

"Oh." That was the only thing I could say as he stood up taking my hand to pull me up. "Since you insist on staying for dinner we better get down there or moms gonna kill me." I took his hand as he led me down the stairs, but dropped it when it hit me all at once. This wasn't a date he wasn't my friend and I'm holding his hand to much. "What's the matter?"
"Do you want questions from your mom about why we aren't dating?"
"Alright you have a point." Even though he admitted it he rolled his eyes. Which caused me to send him a glare. "Whoa yes OK Ms.Glares a lot is back." As soon as we got to the kitchen I softened my face plastering a smile across my face. I hoped it was believable and no one saw through the cracks.
As soon as I made my plate I sat down and just as I was about to dig in to my plate. Reed stretched his hand across the table to his mom and she took his hand and extended the other out to me. Without hesitation I took her hand even though I had not seen this coming at all. Reed gripped my other hand as he bowed his head I just followed suit smiling as I realized what was going on. I had expect Gwen to do the prayer, but it surprised me when I heard Reed begin the prayer right beside me. "Dear heavenly Father thank you for the blessed day we've had so far, and continue to bless us. Just bless this food we are about to receive and keep dad safe since he can't be here with us tonight and in Jesus name we pray amen."

As Reed and Gwen let go of my hands and begin to eat I resisted the urge to be shocked and dug in. I couldn't believe Reed seemed so different at home then he did at school. He was still a class A jerk and man whore, but he had a whole other flipping side. One that I had not been prepared to see, and one that was still rattling me to the core. "So Allie how come I've never met you before?" She shot her son a disapproving look across the table. "Oh my mom and I just recently moved here. We have a small house on dove street."
"Really that's interesting where were you previously from?"
"I was from Washington originally."
"What brought you here? Since you're in the same year as my son the move must have been unexpected." She asked the one question I had hoped she wouldn't the full shock of the memory hit me...

My heart pounded in my chest I knew something was wrong. Mom had taken the phone into the bedroom and hadn't came back out I could only catch bit's and pieces of what she said. "It can't have." That was the last thing I heard other then tears witch I heard all night long from my moms room. I sat and listened wondering why my dad wasn't home and why he wasn't comforting my mother. Cold hard fear griped me I wasn't stupid I knew all along the call was about him. I cried all night long into my pillow as silently as I could muster. Eventually I cried myself to sleep and I had managed to tell myself it had all been a terrible horrible nightmare, but when I woke up to my moms red rimmed and puffy eyes I knew I couldn't hide from the truth any longer.

I sat uncomfortably tugging at my shirt now both Gwen and Reeds eyes were on me. Reed instantly jumped to my defense. "Mom. Why don't you tell Allie how you and dad met and why you think we are just alike." I could see him roll his eyes already, but I knew what he had done. He had veered the topic off of me and for that I would be forever greatful. Gwen's eyes seemed to light up like this was a story she had liked to tell.

"Well when I first met James Parker I hated his guts. He seemed like a prat and a Jerk, but there was more to James then I thought." Gwen seemed to smile fondly. "I had moved to town with my father and mother because my father got laid off from work. He was a construction worker so we were kinda poor not a whole heck lot of money, but we were happy. Until I started my Freshman year at Avalon. I was walking through the door when a sophomore knocked me down. It was James who knocked me down but his friend John helped me up. He even showed me around. John became my protector why I was in school he became my closest friend he was also my first love and James hated that, but it was kind of mandatory that when John got a new friend so did James we spent a lot of time together whether we like it or not." I sat listening with wrapped attention even Reed seemed to be smiling as he listened.

"Oh you kids don't really want to hear this shoo off to finish that project of yours." Gwen waved her hand as if to tell us storytime was over and I felt disappointed. I really did hear the rest. "Gwen?" She looked me in the eye a smile spreading across her face. "Yes Allie."
"Can you finish the story sometime?" Her smile instantly seems to brighten up. "Maybe sometime." I smiled and took my empty plate to the sink and begin to clean it. Gwen practically flew out of her seat. "You're my guest I can do this you run along." I couldn't help it I had to give Gwen a hug she was the sweets person I ever met. "Thanks I better be heading home thank you both for having me over."
"Maybe next time James will be here he would love to meet you."


Wanted to say sorry for hitting a lazy streak when it came to writing most of that was through pure laziness some of it was more me having writers block.

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