Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:: The Game Plan

I walked to the car, my cheeks flaming red. I just wanted to escape. I didn't care what Kennedy was saying to Wesley, and I didn't care about the crowd who quickly engulfed me. All I though about was getting away to the car so I could think.

Had Reed wanted to kiss me? His eyes seemed to glaze over with the look of someone lost in that one person... I shook my head. This is crazy. Possibly the most crazy thought I had ever had. My thoughts were broken when Kennedy jumped in the car.

She crossed her arms fuming. I didn't know what had gotten her panty's in a twist, but to be honest I didn't care. "Ugh why is Wes such an idiot?" I was about to respond when a knock on my window had made me jump. It was Reed standing at my window. Trying to fight my smile I unrolled my window.

"Can I borrow Allie Kennedy?" I raised my brow. Kennedy looked up at Reed about to burst with laughter. "For how long exactly Reed?" I didn't know she called him Reed. I guess I was the only one who really called him Parker. "Mm the rest of the night she won't need a ride home."

Kennedy shot me her famous I told you so smirk. "Sure thing just take care of my friend superstar." I was about to intervene, but Reed had beat me to it. "Of course I'll take good care of her." I felt my cheeks heat with warmth.

"Good because you hurt her I will hunt you down, and chop off your balls." I burst out in a fit of laughter I knew she wasn't playing, and apparently so did Reed on instinct his hand flew to the crotch of his pants as if to protect his precious lower parts.

I got out of the car before Kennedy could make this anymore awkward. Once we were out of hearing range, and Ken couldn't hear us did I speak again. "I'm sorry about her. Although you should probably take her warning very seriously because she was serious." He nodded his head.

"Yeah I kind of gathered that she wasn't joking. I'd like to keep my downstairs area if you know what I mean." I couldn't help it he was an idiot, and it made me laugh. I knew he wasn't joking, and who could blame him, but the whole conversation was awkward, and funny. So I couldn't help, but to laugh.

"I don't blame you honestly. Where are we going?" He took my hand in his and laughed. "Well good to know you sympathize with me at least on that much, and we are headed to the lake house. I'm not letting you back out of this party."

I felt my insides flip. Ken had said that he would want to spend alone time with me. A tone of scenarios of how it could play out played in my head, and I objected to all of them. No way shape or form was I ready to lose my virginity. I hadn't even lost my first kiss yet.

Reed broke me from my thoughts. "Allie are you okay?" He looked genuinely worried about me, and it made my heart swell in my chest. I shook my head trying to shake my thoughts away. "Yeah I'm okay I was just lost in thought. Anyway who's coming with us tonight?"

"That's the best part it's just gonna be us. The others are coming down Saturday." My mind started to wander again as I panicked, but what came out of my mouth surprised me. "Alright let's hit it then. Besides you need a shower you stink."

He must have been taken aback because for a while he didn't say anything. Then he nudged my arm with his. "Say's the girl who hugged me. Let's go." He slung his arm around me, and lead me to his car. This was the first time I seen it, and I gasped it was a blue 2015 Ford GT, and the minute I saw it I instantly fell in love with it. My mouth practically dropped to the floor. "This is your car?"

A mischievous glint formed in his eye, and that's how I knew he was gonna say something stupid or say something to make me turn into a tomato. "Yeah it's all mine, and you get to ride shot gun babe." There it was, and right on cue my cheeks flushed for what seemed to me the millionth time that night. I just rolled my eyes, and got in on the passenger side making up my mind to get him back. The ride to the lake was silent mainly because I was thinking on a way to get Reed back, and partially because I was enjoying the view. Not only that, but the smell of sweat was repulsing me.

I had eventually talked Reed into opening a window because I couldn't handle that nasty rotten milk smell. I alsmot felt bad for the cheerleaders who had to ride the bus with the football players after a game, but then I laughed to myself at Amber, and her friends suffering. As mean as it sounded I hated the whole cheer squad, and honestly I couldn't stand none of them. By the time we reached the lake house I had formed a beyond brilliant way to get Reed back. "Hit the showers you stink!"

He just smirked. "Alright alright I will care to join me?" This was do or die I had formed my plan in the car, and it would probably kill him. I decided instead of doing my normal fight back routine I Allie Pennington... heaven forbid and forgive me now... was going to be flirty, and flirt back. I did the exact opposite of what I wanted to do, witch was slap the fire out of him. I gently caressed his cheek with my hand. "That sounds like an appealing idea, but you my dear couldn't handle it." I flipped my hair, and strutted up to the porch leaving Reed standing there mouth agaped a bewildered expression etched onto his face.

Had I had a camera I would have snapped a picture, because it was all I could do to not laugh at his face, and I also had the sudden urge to throw up how did girls act like this. Reed fumbled with his keys before I ever so gently took them and opened the door all the while shooting out fake giggles.


After Reed got out of the shower, and over his initial shock of my agreeing, he must have figured out my plan to get him back. He came, and sat down on the couch next to me wrapping, an arm around me. "Wanna watch a movie instead? Hardly nothing comes on that TV." I just shrugged, because really I had just been passing time while Reed was in the shower. "What ya got?" It didn't skip my notice how many chick flick movies were in the case his mom must have been like Kennedy preferring the romances the best. I was relieved when he went past them, and straight to the action, and comedy movies. In the end we decided on Saw.

Reed pulled me close to his chest, and normally when I would have protested I didn't. He smelled really good it was all I could do to keep from burrowing my nose onto him, and just smelling his scent, witch over the last few weeks I had become familiar with his scent. He definitely used old spice, a scent I had not smelled in a long time. It had been the scent of choice for my dad...

I burrowed my face into my dads chest, and cried. I was having a bad day. He had tried to teach me to ride a bike for the first time, and like any little kid falling had stunned me. I had managed to bang up my knee and elbow. So dad held me, and his scent of Old spice filling my nose. That and his arms wrapped around me was the powerful combination that got me to calm down. I really loved his scent...

Part 1 of 2】


Since this chapter is so long I'm breaking it up in two parts. There is no excuse for my lack of writing other then laziness. However when I had every intention of writing on Thursday Night I had a long history paper to write on the Salem Witch Trials. So for compensation you have a long chapter.

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