Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:: Math and cheese puff wars!

I took my seat next to Kennedy like I normally did. She just shot me a glare. I guess she was mad that I ignored her text. "Hey girl what's in your grill."
"You want to know what's in my grill 1)My best friends been avoiding me all day 2)Nathan and I can't agree on anything for this project."
"Oh I'm sorry Kennedy! " I threw my arms around her neck and I could see all the resolve she had to stay mad at me crumbled into a million tiny pieces. She threw her arms around me with a smile. "Please don't ditch me for Reed Parker." I was beyond shocked I was about to argue with her and say I would never ditch her for Reed freaking Parker, but I couldn't because I was cut off by a frustrated Mr.Lee coming into the class room. "What are you doing get in your partner group's!" Everyone jumped into action no one liked when Mr.Lee was in a mood and barking at them.

Before I knew it Reed was sat in the seat next to me. He leaned in so he could whisper in my ear. "You are invited to dinner tonight my mom for whatever reason seemed to take an interest in you." His smirky jerk demeanor was back so I elbowed him in the ribs. "Easy Blondie I need my ribs for practice and I don't think coach would be to pleased if you broke me before the big game." I shot him a glare. How was it that he had two different personality's. It made me extremely mad because that meant that I not only had to figure out one person, but it meant I had to figure out two, but I was excited to see Gwen again. I wanted to hear more of her story about how she had met James ... I was also hoping I would get to meet James tonight.
"No no no." Reed seemed to face palm. "You did it wrong again." I laid my head down on my math text book. We had been at this torture it seemed for hours now. He rubbed my back with a laugh. "Alright we should take a break before your head explodes."
"Really you think so." I couldn't help, but to glare I was in a foul mood and the math was making it worse. "Don't worry Allie everyone struggles with something." I couldn't help, but to role my eyes and look up at him. "Say's you Mr.Perfect." He seemed to be about to say something before my words had registered and then he begin to laugh. "You think I'm prefect." He laughs and nudges me. "Awe you are to kind." I felt my face flush witch only sent him further into a laughing fit. He whipped tears of laughter out of his eyes. "Oh you should know Blondie I am far from perfect. I actually struggle with Science."

"Really!" I couldn't help, but to be intrigued because to me science just came naturally. "Really he nodded, and disappeared leaving me to mule that over in my head. When he came back he had a bag of cheese puffs. "Alright break times over Blondie try to solve that equation." He dumped some of the cheeses puffs into a pile so both of us could reach them, but I was to distracted by this point to try to figure out that math problem. "No my brains gonna explode!" I picked up a cheese puff and threw it at his face. It hit him square in the cheek. "Oh it's on now!" He grabbed a handful of chess puffs and before I knew it we were in a cheese puff war throwing them back and forth at each other. Reed eventually got sick of this and grabbed a hold of me tossing me over his shoulder. "Hey no fair you big meanie I'm smaller then you." Despite what I said we were both having fun carrying on. "What the ever living world is going on in here!" Gwen stood at the door way laughing and Reed dropped me to my feet. "Mom we were just uh... Study break." His face was turning more and more scarlet as the seconds ticked by. I was stunned and couldn't say anything all's I could do was laugh. I finally managed to get myself together enough to explain. "Reed was trying to tutor me in math, but sadly I'm hopeless when it comes to math, and I felt like my brain was gonna explode. He gave me a break and went down to get the cheese puffs then told me to get back to work, but I hate math so instead I started a cheese puff war witch I won." I gave Reed a smug smile as I finished my story.

Gwen raised an eyebrow. "Ah I see well I'll leave you two to be I just wanted to make sure well you know what wasn't happening in my house." It was my turn to blush crimson. Reed seemed to snap out of his embarrassment. "Mom! It's not like that we aren't even really friends! I'm just doing our math teacher a favor." Once I got my bearings I jumped back in. "Yeah Mrs.Parker I promise you have nothing to worry about. Besides Reed here has a girlfriend."
"Wait I do?" Reed just seemed confused. Just about as confused as his mom. "Wait Reed Thomas Parker You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me." What had I got myself into. "No mom I don't."

"Oh I just assumed that you and Amber..." I was cut off by his glare. I think I preferred his smile. "Ambers not my girlfriend! She's just a girl."
"Oh but I though..."
"Just because she kissed me doesn't mean we're a thing!"
"Oh I'm so..." Reed pushed past me and out of his room. I heard the door slam and Gwen gave me a look. "Well I'm sorry Allie I guess I better go clam my son down now."
"Ah Mrs.Parker do you mind if I do it I did cause this after all." She smiled. "Alright Allie and please call me Gwen." I nodded and smiled and followed Reed to the back door.

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