Chapter 29: Assumptions

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Chapter 29: Assumptions

Unlike Elle, Kerr slept like a baby...peaceful and with contentment. That afternoon, he watched her face all the time that she was talking. She's happy...really happy with whatever she got right now. He wished that it was him who made her happy but he fully accepted that a long time ago. He lost her and may never get her back again. Just being friends is more than enough considering what he had done in the past. "I will never be the cause of your heartbreak again."

The next few days were spent buying supplies he needed for his trip back to Africa. Charlene will be home soon and he wanted to spend time with her. It was Charlene who comforted him when he was wallowing with depression after his break-up with Elle. She did not even blame him when she told her about the real reason for Elle's accident. He lost Elle but he became closer to his sibling. 

He was running for some errands in Heartland when he stopped for a red light. There he saw Donnelly in the next lane... with Elle! And tons and tons of roses in front of her. Both seemed to be very happy and oblivious to their surroundings. He closed his eyes to block the pain, jealousy, and the envy that he felt for his friend.

That second felt eternity... only to be awakened by a honk from the car behind him. When he checked them out again, they're gone.

That night, Kerr gotdrunk at home. He's feeling the same pain he had years ago. He expected this possibilitywill happen but he never thought it would still hurt this much after so many years. He thought about what could have been and where they might be now if not for the dark past." That's the worst thing being me right now. Your buddy and your ex being together. How much hurtful could it get?"

''...That I should have brought you flowers

And held your hand

Should have given  you all my hours

When I had my chance...

...and it hurts me every time I closed my eyes...''


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