Chapter 37: Lingering Questions

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Charlene was with Kerr at the airport when he flew back to Africa. She wanted to be there because for 

some reasons, she feels that she will not see him for a long time. She wiped away the tears in her eyes 

when he finally hugged her and said goodbye.

"You're a good man Kerr. I know that someday, that heart of yours will heal and love again. I want you

 to be happy again, bro."

"I know I will... one day Charlene. And please don't cry for me. Take care my little sister." He kissed 

her cheeks, ruffled her hair, walked away and entered customs and immigration. Kerr is gone.

Elle was a little bit cautious when she came in with Donnelly. She noticed that Allison was extremely 

quiet, which is really strange. She seemed like she just came from crying. Oh no! Elle was thinking of 

the worst thing that could happen to a couple getting married soon. Wedding jitters? Allison hugged 

her and became teary eyed which really made Elle nervous. What's going on here?

They sat her between them. Donnelly told her his bestman's story and analyzed her reaction... 

because only Elle will be able to recognize the meaningfulness of this story to her life. He repeated Q's

 story: the cheating, the girlfriend's attempt to kill herself, the break-up, his depression and searching

 for his ex everywhere... and relocating to Africa.

Elle's face showed shock at first...disbelief...understanding... and then just sadness for the story of a 

lonely man eternally searching for his long lost love...

"It's him isn't it? Was that you Elle that my friend Q has been searching all these years?"

Elle did not hold back her tears upon hearing this story which was so eerily similar to what transpired 

years ago. Elle did not reply but her tears were cascading down her beautiful face. She is crying 

quietly for this man that she thought has moved on with his life. But why didn't he say something 

when he had the opportunity to do so? Why didn't he?

Writer's Message:

I know...this is really heavy folks.

But I  assure you that you will appreciate what they went through in the next chapters.

Thank you for your continuous support. Please tell your friends about Love You Forever!

Happy reading!

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