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Kerr and Elle happily built their family over the years. She became a respected artist in

Misibis Bay while Kerr found a new lease in life as a furniture designer. They had 3

children, two of whom have decided to live in Canada as all their children are officially

Canadian citizens. The couple continued to enjoy the rest of their life doing what they

love best, to be together in whatever they do.

Elle was diagnosed with a stage 3 breast cancer like her Mom at the age of 67 and did

not have a successful chemotherapy. She passed on six months after her diagnosis. Two 

months later, Kerr died in his sleep. Even death cannot really kept them apart.

Every two years, their children come home to Misibis Bay to honour their parents

and the legacy of their unforgettable lovestory. They  retell the story behind those

candy wrappers that were displayed in the gallery. They don't get tired retelling how the Kingalis

hid their grandfather in the well while recovering from his wounds for days so the armed men 

wouldn't see him. They won't get tired telling them about the attack that almost killed him and how 

grandma in her dream, asked grandpa to come back to her. That grandpa used Google, a search 

engine  decades ago to find grandma which he did. That  forgiving is a virtue and so as faithfulness.


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