Chapter 40: The Prayer

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Screams and moans can be heard everywhere. Smoke, fires and the smell of burning flesh are 

nauseating. Chaos and destruction are  so evident on that unfateful day. Then an army of armed men 

walked among the living, wounded, and dead. They were making sure that a maximum damage was

accomplished.Kerr will never be able to respond to the  email that  could have altered their story and  

reunited with Elle.

Allison and Elle were having dinner when the breaking news  about the attack in a tiny village

in Zimbabwe came in.

" Zimbabwe? That's where Kerr's project is," Elle thought anxiously.

"...A group of Canadian engineers... many were killed by an explosion... many bodies still 


 Something hit Elle. 


Allison held her hand.

The phone rang as they watched the news. It was Donnelly and Allison picked it up. Elle was still glued

 to the news on TV.  Something in her heart told him that Kerr is in that far away village in Zimbabwe 

and he is in danger. She closed her eyes and silently offered  a prayer for Kerr. Please protect him from

 any harm! Let him come back to me," Elle prayed fervently.

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