Chapter 30: Friends Forever

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Chapter 30:

Kerr's head was throbbing with pain when he got up from bed. His parents had been in Paris for two days now and have met Charlene there. He checked his watch and realized that Air France will be touching down soon. Fortunately, Mississauga is just 10 minutes away from Pearson International.

She's home once more this time that his life is turning upside down once again. Déjà vu.

Charlene came out 30 minutes late and he's not surprised why! She had multiple luggages with her.

'' Hello there Charles!" he greeted her with a big hug.

'' Hey bro! My God! You looked so hot! What did they feed you there in Africa?'' she joked as she gave him a kiss on the cheek.

Charlene is in her  last year in Business Management in Paris. She comes home every now and then  but they've never been home together in Canada at the same time. He's thankful that she's home. He feels that he needed someone to talk to, instead of drinking himself to death. "My God! '' He's really feeling so low these days.

Kerr took Charlene for dinner at Jackie's. While they were there, she thought she  saw someone by the window. "This is strange. I thought I saw Elle outside the resto."

'' When?''

"A few seconds..."

He did not wait for her to finish and just hurriedly ran outside to check for Elle. He scanned the surroundings for any sign of Elle and almost dismissed Charlene until he saw her walking between the cars.

Kerr ran as fast a he can to catch up with her. Unknown to him, Elle saw him in the resto with Charlene whom she did not recognize at first. She really thought that Kerr was on a date with either Carrie or someone else. She will lie if she won't admit that she felt jealousy when she recognized Kerr. But what's more embarrassing in this situation is  when she got caught looking at them.



"Oh my God! He might think that I was stalking him", she thought as she tried to pretend not hearing him calling her.

But he was already beside her in no time at all.

She stopped and pretended to be surprised to see him there.

"Oh! Hi Kerr! What are you doing here?"

"I'm at Jackie's. Can you come with me please. Someone will be really happy to see you."

Who? Carrie or someone new? Why are you doing this to me?' Elle thought.

But instead she put up a happy face and accepted his offer. She kept telling herself that she should be able to do this with flying colours if she really wants to move on from the past.

His date was busy on her iPhone until she looked up and then she realized who it was:


"Oh my God! I was was you!"

They hugged each other in disbelief that they will see each other again after almost 5 years.

"Where did life take you Elle?"

"Here and there!"

They just chatted and chatted and the past was forgotten between them.

Kerr was just watching them and amazed at the connection of these two people that he loves and quite thankful that the past did not really break their friendship at all. It is true then that time heals all wounds, not only of lovers but friends as well. But in all honesty, he was praying that his sister would ask the question that he couldn't ask Elle... if she is still single.

God did not hear him. Nor did they talk about anything about matters of the heart.

They cut it short because Elle needed to come home due to a previous night time appointment. They gave each other a hug including Kerr and the two friends promised to each other that they're going to hang out as soon as Elle finished her commitments.

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