Chapter 3

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Blake and I text each other over the next few days. He tells me the mini camp was only for three days and that he'll be back tomorrow. He's asked me to meet him somewhere. I agreed to, damn I'm nervous as fuck to see him. He gives me butterflies in my stomach.

The next day after work Blake texts me to meet him at his house. Uh, I don't know about this. Hmm. Fugg it. I ain't doing shit today anyway. My girls went back home yesterday. I tell him I'll be over later. I got to go home and shower.

Blake texts me his address as I'm finishing getting ready. I grab my purse and I'm out the door. It takes me 10 minutes to get there. As I pull up I see him standing in the drive way. He's wearing a Jordan zip up sweater and black ball shorts with sandals. He had his hood up. He doesn't have a shirt on underneath. Damn it, this is too tempting."did you just wake up?" I ask as I get out of my truck. He laughs a little. "Yeah, took you forever." He says. "I know, I'm sorry." I apologize. "I was beginning to think you weren't coming." He says as he walks up to me. "Well here I am. I'm a woman of my word." I laugh a little. I notice he has his dog with him. "Oh my gosh." I say startled as the dog jumps on me. "Chaney. No. Down." Blake commands him. He listens. I pet him and pat the top of his head. "Come on, lets go inside." Blake says. He leads the way. When we get inside he gives me a little tour of his house. It's beautiful of course. "Ahem, I thought I'd order in." He tells me. "That's fine." I reply. "Okay, so, I was wondering if you could make me those cookies you were talking about." He says looking at me, smiling. "Ha. Really? Yeah, but you got to help me." I tell him. "Sure, what do you need me to do?" He asks. "Well, first off you could preheat your oven to 350 degrees." He nods and gets on it. "Okay, what now?" He asks. I ask for the ingredients and he gets them all out and sets them on the counter for me. "Did you already have this planned out?" I ask. He laughs. "Yeah." He admits. We get started on mixing the ingredients. He playfully gets flour on my face. I get him back good. It takes us awhile, due to little food fights here and there but, we finally get it done. We sit out on his deck and sip a couple of coronas as we wait for the cookies to get done. "This is your basketball court? You play a lot here?" I ask. "Yeah, its my home office." He jokes. I just give him a funny look. He laughs. "You ever play?" He asks. "Mm, not really." I say as he grabs his ball. "But did you ever play?" He asks. "Yeah, I did." I reply. "Okay, that's all I needed to know. Come on." He says as he leads me on to the court. "First to ten gets to push the loser in my pool." He says. "What? But, its obviously gonna be me going into the pool." I laugh. Blake shrugs. "I don't know. We'll see." He says as he checks the ball. "Okay, but, don't take it easy on me just because I'm a female. I enjoy a challenge." I tell him. He laughs. "Got it. I'll let you have ball first though. It's gonna be your first and last time touching it." He smirks. We'll see about that. He hands me the ball. I dribble it and he tries to steal it but I toss it behind my back and dribble it, I lay it up and make it. He looks shocked as fuck. I just laugh at his expression. "I thought you didn't really play." He says. "I don't." I reply. "Where and the hell did you learn that? High school ball?" He asks. "I didn't play in high school. Was never eligible to." I tell him. "Well where'd you get them handles?" He asks. "Used to pick up games down at my towns courts for the fuck of it. Picked up on some things along the way." I say. He laughs. We continue our game. I somehow manage to win, I kind of think he let me even though I told him not to. "Augh man. I'm ready for this." He says as he takes his sweater off to be pushed into the pool. Daaaamn he looks too good. He stands by the pool. I give him a big push and he grabs onto me as he goes in. Fuuck. "What the hell?" I say when I come up. "We're even." He says. "What do you mean we're even, I won. Fair and square." I laugh. "Nooo, you failed to mention that you have a history in the game." He gets out of the pool. He helps me out. "I never played a ball game. Well not one for the record. Just played just to play." I tell him. "Still, you played street ball." He says as he grabs a towel, he hands me one. "Alright, whatever you got me." We hear the oven beep. We go inside and get the cookies out. I set em on a cooling rack. He lends me some clothes. He gives me a pair of sweats and a white tee with the new Clippers logo on it. I change in his bathroom. He waits while I change. "Damn, your clothes are baggy on me. This shirt looks like a dress." I laugh as I tuck his shirt in the sweats. When Im done he goes in to change. I walk back downstairs and wait at the table. I get up and look at some of his pictures hanging up. Theres a picture of a little blonde haired boy. Must be his son. I sit back at the table. Blake comes down, he just wearing ball shorts. Put a shirt on please. This is hard. He walks in the kitchen and smells the cookies as they cool. I look at him like really. "What?" He asks. "You get a fist to the face for doing some shit like that in the marines." I joke. He laughs. "I'm sorry." He apologizes sarcastically. He gets us milk out and sets the glasses at the table. "Think they're cool enough now?" He asks. "That ready to eat them huh?" I say sarcastically. "Hell yeah." He laughs. "Yeah, they should be alright now." He gets up, puts them on a plate, and brings them to the table. He immediately eats one. "Mmm... What is life right now? You weren't playing. You make some bomb cookies." He says as he eats his cookie. I laugh. "So, whats your favorite song right now?" He asks. "Uh, rockstar by nickle back." I joke. He makes a weird face. I can't help but laugh. "I'm kidding, here I'll play it." I get out my phone and turn it on. "Ohh, thank god, I was thinking 'I knew she was too good to be true' had me about to back out of our date." He laughs. "Ohh so this is a date?" I ask sarcastically. He gives me a look again. '"Joking. This is my favorite song right now though. I mean I have a few but this is the one I usually have on repeat." I play Hotline Bling by Drake. "Ohh, Hotline Bling? This is my shit too." He laughs. "Really?" I ask. "Serious." He says as he grabs another cookie. "What a coincidence." My phone starts blowing up. "Whoa, popular." He jokes. "Nah, its just my best friends." I texted Nicki and Desi before I left, telling them I was coming to Blake's house. I turned my phone off because I knew they were going to do this. "Where are you from? Like where were you raised?" He asks.
"South Dakota."
"Ohh, I knew you had a redneck accent."
"What? I do not. Forgetchu." I nudge him. He laughs hard.
"I'm kidding."
"You're one to talk, hailing from Oklahoma and all. Don't act like you ain't from there."
"I don't. So what brings you California?"
"Just wanted to see what all the fuss was about I guess."
"I see. You like it so far?"
"Yeah, its alright. Gets pretty lonely cause I don't know many people, just my coworkers but I don't fuck with them after hours. Trynna get my girls to move out."
"Oh yeah, whats going on with that?"
"They're iffy about it. I don't know why? They ain't got men or kids holding em back. Shit if I'd been offered a free ride to LA I'd have taken it in a heartbeat."
"Riiight. Well I hope it works out for you. It does suck moving somewhere new and not knowing anyone. I'm glad to keep you company."
"Yeah, thanks."
"Anytime. Really... Anytime."
"Shuttup." I push him playfully. He chuckles. I look at the clock on my phone. "Shoot, I'd better head home, its getting pretty late. I have to be up early tomorrow."
"Alright well let me grab a shirt and I'll walk you out to your car." He gets up from the table and runs back upstairs. I sit at the table and wait for him. He comes back down in a tight gray tee that compliments his chiseled body. He's got a nice ass too. Mm. I grab my wet clothes and he leads me out. I unlock my doors and throw my wet clothes in the back. He opens the driver side door for me. He standsby as I sit in the driver side. "So, me and a few friends are going bowling this Thursday. You want to come?" He asks. "Yeah, I could come." I reply. "Okay, text me when you get home to let me know you made it safe." He says as he steps away from my car. "Okay, good night." I close my door and roll down the window. "Night." He waves. I start my drive home. When I get home I text Blake to let him know I made it safe. I get ready for bed and immediately drift off into a deep sleep. I hear my text notification go off but, I'm too tired to check it.

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