Chapter 8

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I have a hard time sleeping. What started out as a good day turned to total shit. I feel a big lump in my throat. I hear the notifications go off on my phone. I check to see what they are. I see that they're from Instagram. I click on it.
"Had a fun day with this lady."

It shows the picture that me and Blake took with our crazy faces. I look at the next one. It's captioned:
"our view."
It shows a picture of the sunset that day. There's one more picture. It's the one of him kissing me on the cheek. The caption is simply a heart emoji. Well this just made me feel a little bit better. It's helps me get to sleep.
The next morning as I'm about to leave for work Nicki comes in my room. "What's up?" I ask. "I just wanted to tell you that I'm not mad at you. If you want me to stay with you. I will. Because you don't have anybody you know here besides Blake. When she goes home she's gonna have family. I just wanted to make sure."
"Thanks. But its OK. You can go home if you want to. She's right. I have ditched you guys. And I don't want you to feel that way. I mean if you did stay, I'd try to involve you more. I'm sorry I neglected you guys."
"I'll stay a while longer. I don't want you to be alone. I don't mind."
"I'm going to his house tonight, actually. Do you just want me to stay? Or you could come. I think some of his teammates are gonna be there. I'm not sure I'll ask. Then you could get you one too." I joke.
"Shit, let me know."
We look at each other and burst into laughter.
"OK, I will."
"OK. So, tell me. How was the sex?"
"Oh my gosh Nicki. Really? It's too early for this." I laugh.
"Well was he... Big?"
"Yes. Very. And thick."
"Did he go down on you?"
"Was he good?"
"Like he knows how to tie a knot on a cherry stem with his tongue."
We both laugh hysterically.
"What positions did y'all do?" She asks.
"Nicki!" I laugh. "I swear."
"Missionary and I rode him."
"You gonna let him hit it from the back?"
"Oh my gosh Nicki. I can't with you." I can't help but to laugh at the question.
"Were you both buck ass naked?"
I sigh annoyed. "Yes."
"Bitch, I knew you were nasty."
"Shuttup." We laugh.
"Okay, I think that's all I wanted to know. If I have anymore questions I'll text."
I shake my head. "Please.. Do." I say sarcastically. "I got to get to work. I'm gonna come home after work and we'll figure things out. Unless something comes up, then we'll just stay home."
"Ok, I'll see you later."
"Meet me for lunch. I'll text you."
I head downstairs and out the door to work. The whole ride there I think about my argument with Desi. We're both stubborn. It'll be a while before we're talking again and back on good terms. As I arrive to work I text Blake.
Me: Wyd?

I thought he'd be sleeping still, but he texts back.

BG: nothing. Just woke up to respond to your text. Lol.
Me: You're the real mvp. Lol.
BG: haha. What's going on?
Me: so, after I got home last night. Me and my friend got in an argument about me ditching them for you and all this and that.
BG: wow, really? Sorry to hear that.
Me: yeah, so she's leaving to go back home today and my other best friend is going to stay back with me. With that being said. I don't want to continue "neglect" my friend. I was wondering if you could just have like a cook out or something tonight so I could bring her with instead of her being home alone. Maybe you could invite some of your teammates, single ones. And hook her up with a bae. So it could be a win win. She'll be occupied dating and we could do triple dates or something. Lol.
BG: man, I was kinda hoping we could continue to finish what we started last night.
Me: lol. Shuttup. Can you do this, please?
BG: I'll see what I can do. What are you gonna do for me?
Me: whatever you want ;)
BG: alright. I'll set some things up and let you know.
Me: OK, cool.

I continue on with the work day. I meet Nicki at lunch time. She's prepared lunch back at the house. We're having homemade chicken noodle soup and club sandwiches. "So, what's going on?" She asks. "OK, so, I texted Blake and let him know what was up and he said he was gonna see what he could do." I tell her. Coincidentally Blake texts at that moment.
BG: cookout tonight. I just invited Chris, his wife, DJ and Amber. And I tried to invite others. But they're unavailable. I think Austin Rivers is coming, the only other person besides DJ and Chris that is for sure coming. Lol.
Me: is he single?
BG: yeah, I think so? I'm pretty sure.
Me: okay, we'll see you then.

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