Chapter 43

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"Look at this. Hurry!" I call for Blake. He comes out of the closet and into the room. "What?" He asks. "This." I point at my stomach where a little knee or elbow is popping out at. "What is that?" He asks. "I don't know?" I reply. We sit and wait for her to move. And she does. "Damn, that's crazy. I never seen anything like this before." Blake lays his head on my chest and watches. Blaine kicks so hard that it moves my stomach altogether. "Whooaa." He laughs. She does this three times. "I think someone is ready to come out." He adds.

"She probably is."

"How much more longer?"

"2 more weeks."

"Two more weeks, Blaine!" He tells her. She responds by kicking once more. He laughs. "I have to finish packing. I don't even want to leave now. I'm dreading it."

"It's only for a couple of days isn't it?"

"Yeah." He sighs. His head still rests on my stomach. "Ugh. I don't want to leave you baby."

"I don't want you to leave either."

"I was talking to Blaine. This is an A and B conversation. So C yourself out." He jokes.

"Shuttup. Forget you then." I laugh.

"I'm kidding. You know I love you." He gives me a kiss. "Well, I better finish packing so I can go and be back ASAP. Why, Kia? Why now? Fuckin commercials." He says as we walks back into the closet.

Blake leaves and I'm left home alone. I wake up at 4am with, what I'm guessing are, Braxton Hicks contractions. I get up to take a drink of water to make them go away like the doctor advised. Nothing happens, they're still there. I elevate my feet. They subside long enough for me to get back to a comfortable sleep. I wake back up at 7 with stronger pains. I call Desi. No answer. Fuck. I try Nicki. No answer there either. I notice the pains get even stronger over this short amount of time. I call Blake.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Blake." I strain and take a deep breath as another pain comes.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"I'm in so much pain right now. I can't get ahold of anyone."

"Are you in labor?"

"I think so. The pains are getting stronger and stronger. I'd drive myself but I'm scared."

"No, no. Stay where you are. Fuck, I knew I should've stayed home. Keep trying to get ahold of someone. I'm on my way home." The call ends.

I keep trying to get through to Desi and Nicki with no luck. I call my mom.

"Mom." I say as soon as she answers.


"I think I'm in labor."

"Are you having pains?"


"What do they feel like?"

"Period cramps but worse and they won't go away they keep coming."

"You're in labor. Go to the hospital."

"I can't get through to anyone. Nicki or Desi. No one is answering. Jess is running around with DJ somewhere. I don't know what to do?"

"Just breathe. Keep calling the girls and if they don't answer in the next 5 minutes call the ambulance."


Desi finally answers and rushes to pick me up. She arrives within 15 minutes.

When we arrive at the hospital they have me put on a gown. They strap two belt like devices around my stomach. One measures my contractions and the other records baby's heartbeat. I get an I.V. put in and they check my dialation. "You're at a 6 right now." The nurse let's me know. Nicki walks in soon after the nurse leaves. "Hey, I'm sorry I missed your calls. I finally got to sleep last night. I was out. Your mom called before I left the house and is on her way right now." She tells me.

Him. (•Blake Griffin Fan-fiction•)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن