Chapter 7

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My alarm goes off, which wakes us both up. We cuddle for a bit longer before Blake gets up and gets dressed. "I better get home and get ready for practice and whatever else." He says. He moved the stray hairs off of my face to get a good look at me. He smiles. "Beautiful in the morning time too. Wish I could stay and enjoy this view but we both have places to be." He leans down and gives me a kiss. "Does that count as 'double making it up'? Oor?" He asks. I just smile and attempt to hide my face. "I'll take that as a yes." He chuckles. I hit him with my pillow. "Nah, I'm joking. I'll think of something though." He tells me. He puts his shirt back on. "I'm leaving now. Come give me a kiss. Please?" He asks politely. "I suppose I can get up and come aalll the way over there." I say tiredly. "Leave those blankets though." He smiles knowing I'm still naked under them. "Shuttup." I walk over still covered up. I give him a kiss. "I'll text you. You can text me whenever. Either way is fine." He reminds me. We kiss again before he leaves. I take a moment. Fuck that was crazy. I need to get ready for work now.
Two hours into the workday I receive a text.
Desi: Oooh I know what you did last night you sneaky bitch!

Wtf is this bitch talking about? Hmm..

Me: tf you talkin bout?
Desi: Don't play dumb. You knooow!
Me: um, no, I don't.
Desi: well let me refresh your memory. I woke up last night to get a drink of water and I hear some noises. Not sure where they were coming from, I looked outside and seen another car parked in the drive way. Which I'm pretty sure was Blake's. Aannd I seen the condom wrapper in the trash this morning when I went to get my charger from your room.
Me: yes, I had sex with him. So what?
Desi: broke your own 3 week wait rule huh? Proud of you.
Me: you and Nicki are something else I swear.
Desi: so what made you give in???
Desi: nevermind I'll wait till you get home and you could give us the deets.
Me: idk about "the deets" but Ok. Lol.

I was going to tell them anyway. I know they're going to be asking all the questions. I'm ready I guess.

As the work day comes to an end I text Blake before I head home.
Me: Hey, wyd?
BG: Heading home. Traffic is a bitch. How bout you?
Me: Same. Well I'm just getting to my car about to head home. Lol.
BG: We were thinking about going out tonight.
Me: Who is we?
BG: me, you, DJ, and Amber.
Me: Going where? Lol.
BG: to the Santa Monica Pier.
Me: Ok. I've never been.
BG: I think you might like it.

I begin my trip home to get ready for this little outting Blake has planned. I don't know what the Santa Monica Pier has to offer...? Food I'm guessing. A nice walk on the beach.

I tell the girls where I'm going. Before they can say anything I hear a car horn honking. "Well I gotta go. I'll see you guys later." I grab my purse and head out the door. Blake is standing by his car waiting. He opens the passenger door for me. I watch as he comes over and gets in the car on the drivers side. I get settled in and put my seatbelt on. "Hey!!!" DJ screams in my ear and startles me. "Oh my god, you fuckin scared me!" I laugh. Blake shakes his head. "I forgot to tell you DJ and Amber are riding with us." He says. "Hi, I'm sorry about that. He always does that to me too." Amber says as she gives DJ a scowl then smiles at me immediately after. "It's fine. Where I'm from they always say 'be ready to eat what you dish out.'" I look at DJ and smile. "Is that a threat?" He asks. I just shrug my shoulders. "Bro, watch her for me kay?" He says in a worried voice as he taps Blake's shoulder. Blake shakes his head again. "How far is Santa Monica from here?" I ask. "Um, about an hour drive." Blake answers. "What's in Santa Monica though?" I ask. "Whaat?" DJ says in disbelief. "You've never been to Santa Monica?" He asks. "No, I've never been to the west coast for that matter. The reason I chose to live here." I inform him. "Like, never?" He questions again. I shake my head. "Ohh, well damn. Blake show your girl around." He nudges Blake on the shoulder. "I plan to." He smiles. My heart smiles. "Aww my boy is in love. Happy for you." DJ pretends to cry. "Shut the fuck up now bro." Blake laughs. Amber laughs too. "Ok. I'm tired anyway." He leans back against the seat to rest. Blake grabs my hand with his free hand and we interlace our fingers. "So, how was your day?" He asks. "Long. And boring. The usual. How was yours?" I ask.
"It was good. Had a good practice. Ready for a little down time."
"I think you'll like the pier." Amber chimes in from the back seat.
"Yeah, that's what I said too."
"What did you have in mind when we get there?" I ask.
"Um, I was thinking we could hit up the amusement park there."
"Amusement park? Like with rides and all that?"
"Yeah. It'll be fun."
"I... Don't do carnival rides or rollercoasters."
"What? Why?"
"Bad experience?" Amber asks.
"Do tell." She says eagerly.
"Um, when I was younger my cousins and I went to this carnival that came into town annually. We went on this ride, 'The orbiter', I believe it was called. She was screaming and crying to get off but the guy who operates the ride couldn't hear her. So, I started freaking out too. It felt like the ride was endless. I never got on another ride after that."
"Wow. So that was the last time you rode on a carnival ride?" She asks.
"Yeah, I felt like carnivals were ruined for me after that."
"Definitely." She agrees.
"I think you can overcome that fear. Today." Blake says.
"Not really. I'll watch you guys ride."
"C'mon it'll be fun. I promise. We'll help you overcome this. We'll be your support." Amber says.
"Yeah, the rides ain't so bad either. You can do it." He tries to reassure me.
"We'll see." I sigh.

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