Chapter 39

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The holidays have come and gone. We're already a month into the new year. Desi and Liam are situated and moved in. So far the year is going good. Blake is home for a few days. Ford and I take full advantage of these days that come on rare occasion. It makes me realize how much Blake is always on the go. We've spent the first day being big ass kids going to an amusement park and all these other things. Although, I didn't really get to do much for the safety of the baby. It was more for Ford than anything. I didn't mind standing on the sidelines watching them bond. My two favorite guys. The next day we spent with the other players and their kids which led to the idea of a big dinner all together the following day. And here I am cooking dishes that I had to stay up late to prep. The other wives are bringing dishes of their own. For some reason it was agreed that the dinner would be held at Blake's. It's just me, Blake and Ford right now. The others will be showing up soon which has me rushing to get this food cooked and on the table before they arrive. Blake is outside grilling and Ford is running around being a kid. I've decided to make mashed potatoes, gravy, salad, shrimp and fry up some chicken that I was originally was going to grill. I'm realizing I bit off more than I could chew. I'm trying to keep my cool as I rush to get done in time. As I finish up the chicken I grab the grease and move it to a back burner I'm not using when Ford runs by bumping into me causing me to spill some of the hot grease. Some of it splashes on him. He lets out a loud cry. I wet a dish towel and put it on his arm where the grease burned him. "What happened?" I hear Blake behind me. "He was running by when I was moving the grease and bumped into me. Some of it splashed on his arm." I explain. "Let me see." He says. I move out of the way still holding the towel to Ford's arm as he cries. Blake takes a look at the burn. It looks worse than it did a few seconds ago. "Oh, my god." He sounds mad. "Did I not say to grill the chicken? Why did you-- oh, my god.." Yeah he's mad. He places the towel back on Ford's arm and gets his phone from his pocket. He calls Brynn to let her know what happened. She advises him to take Ford to the emergency room. "I'm taking him to the emergency room. I'll call and let the others know what's up." He picks Ford up and leaves. A few minutes later Blake calls. "They're going to eat at Chris and Jada's if you want to go over." He tells me. "No. Just have DJ pick this food up. I don't want it to go to waste."


"Let me know how everything goes."

"Yeah." He hangs up.

DJ stops by to pick the food up. "You coming?" He asks. "No. I'm just going to go home." I reply. "Okay. You're missing out." He grabs the last dish. "Alright. Thanks for the food." He says before leaving. I lock up Blake's house and head home. Desi and Liam are eating dinner when I arrive. "You're home? Didn't think you'd be back till tomorrow." She says. I join her and Liam at the table. "What happened?" She asks. "I accidentally burned Ford with hot grease." I tell her. "How?" She gasps. I explain and tell her what happened. "Well, I hope he's okay." She says. "Me too. I feel so bad." I lay my head in my arms at the table.

As I get ready for bed my phone rings. It's Blake. "Hey, is everything okay?" I ask. "Yeah, he's fine now. He went home with his mom. I'm on my way back to the house."

"Oh. I left, came home. I didn't want to be there alone."

"You're home now?"


"I wanted to talk to you."

"What about?"

"Uh, Brynn is threatening to take me to court. Over you."

"Me? What did I do?"

"She thinks you hurt Ford.. Purposefully."

"What the fuck? I'd never hurt an innocent child. That's bullshit."

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