Chapter 15

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I set my phone back down on the nightstand. I look at Blake's empty spot on the bed. I see the light from the bathroom seeping through the opening under the door. Fuck I need to get home. I get up to collect my belongings. "Where are you going?" Blake asks as I scramble around to grab my things. "Home, my bestfriend needs me." I answer. "So, yeah, I'ma need a ride. Asap. And I'm wearing your clothes home." I add. "Alright. I'm going to brush my teeth and wash my face first though. Do you want a toothbrush? I could get you one, I have extras." He offers. "Yes, thanks." I follow him in the bathroom. He hands me an unopened toothbrush and we brush our teeth together. "Um, hold up. I'm just gonna throw some shorts and a shirt on. I have to get to practice anyway." He proceeds to his closet. I sit on the bed and wait patiently. "Ok." He comes out in his practice clothes with a duffle bag over his shoulder. "Fuck. Damn it. I need to take Chaney out to use the bathroom. I'm gonna have to call the dog lady and hope Chaney doesn't use the bathroom in the house until she can get here." He says as we're out the door. He throws his duffle bag in the backseat. We both get in and put our seat belts on. Blake checks his phone and looks for a song to play before we start the drive to my house. "Today." I say as my patience is being tested this morning. He looks at me, shakes his head and snickers. He yawns as he backs out slow as ever. "You still tired?" I ask.

"Yeah, a little. Got a bit of a hang over too."

"Me too."

"Are you dying this back to its original color?" He asks as he gently grabs a lock of my hair.

"I don't know. I'll probably try a different color now."

"What color did you have in mind?"

"Auburn, dye my roots black though."

"What color is auburn?"

"It's like maroonish."

"Ohh, I like that color. I'm going to dye my hair auburn too then."

I just give him a blank stare. He snickers.

"I'm kidding. Aaliyah Rose Miller."

"Blake Austin Griffin."

"What's your race? I've been wanting to ask you that. I know your mom is black, right?"

"Uh, my mom is black with some Cuban and my dad is white."

"Who do you get your green eyes from?"

"My dad. Unfortunately. The only thing I got from him. Ever. Everything else I get from my mama." I joke.

"Does your mom know about us?"

"Yeah, I tell that woman everything. She's asking when she gets to meet you."

"Whenever you think is fine. Oh, yeah, so, what do you think about coming with us on that little vacation?"

"When was this again?"

"15th to the 17th."

"How far away is it?"

"Like an hour away."

"I don't know. That's kind of like leaving base. I have to talk with Master Sarge first."

"So, that's kind of a yeah?"


"Alright let me know."

We pull up to my house. I give Blake a kiss. "I love you." He smiles as he looks at me. "I love you too. I'll see you later." I gather my things and get off the car. I get my house key out as I approach the house only to find out the door is already unlocked. I set my stuff by the door and head straight to Nicki's room. She's up talking on the phone. Her eyes are red and puffy. "What's going on?" I mouth trying not to disturb her call. "I'll call you back, Aaliyah is home now. Okay, love you too. Bye." She hangs up. "Everything okay?" I ask. "Took you forever." She laughs a little. "I know I'm sorry. Blake was moving around like an old person." I explain. She sighs loudly. "I have to show you something." She sits up on her bed and reaches under the pillow. She shows me a positive pregnancy test. A gasp escapes from my lips. "Nicki." I don't know what to say. "Is this the only one you took? I heard about false positives before." I say. "3, all positive." Her voice breaks and she cries. I sit down beside her and hug her. She rests her head on my shoulder and sobs. "What the heck Nicki? You guys weren't using protection? You're not on birth control?" I ask.

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