Chapter 32

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I wake up to a bright room. All the shades have been opened, welcoming in the sunlight. My eyes struggle to adjust. "Hey, sleepyhead." Blake says to me as he sits at the edge of the bed. "Want to go get something to eat?" He asks. "Let me lay in bed for a minute, damn. You know I need to build up my energy first." I joke. He laughs. He reaches over and grabs the ring from the nightstand. He puts it on my finger while my hand rests on the bed still. He looks at me after he puts it on. "I just wanted to do that again. I like seeing you with it on." He smiles. "Aaliyah Griffin. Sounds about right." I can't help but to smile as he says this. "I suppose I can get up now." I say lazily as I stretch and groan before getting up. "You sound so enthusiastic." He says sarcastically. "What did you have in mind? Where do you want to go eat?" I ask.

"Uh, I don't know. A steak burrito sounds good right about now. Chipotle?"

"Okay." I get up, we take a shower and get ready.  I put on a grey tee with some high waisted skinny jeans and some white Chuck Taylor's. He wears a black tee with some grey sweats and Jordan's. When we're done getting ready we drive over to chipotle. "45 minute drive to chipotle. Unbelievable." He says as we back out of my mom's driveway. "It's cool. I was starting to get cabin fever ." He tells me.

"Really? We were only in the house a couple days." I look at him as he drives.

"Yeah, I don't know I can't be in one place for too long. I have to be doing something."

"Oh, I forgot you're usually in a different city every other week." I joke. "Whenever I come home I just like to chill, you know? Lay back for a bit. Take a breather. You should try it sometime." I suggest. He laughs. "Right." He replies.

"When we first got back together, remember you'd sniff my hair while we laid in bed?" I ask. We laugh at the thought.

"I missed you. And the way your hair smelled." He kisses the back of my hand.

"I miss you doing that to be honest." I admit.

"Welp," he sighs. "Write me down for hair sniffing later." He jokes.

"Done." I reply.

"Have you given some thought as to when you want the wedding to be? A date?" He asks.

"Not for another two years."

"Two years? What?" He says in disbelief.



"Because I'm still in the military. If we get married, say in, 3 months from now, you'll have to come live on base with me. I can't leave base."

"Two years... Damn, that's a long time."

"I know. It is. I'm sorry. It sucks."

"I could live on base with you. I don't mind, really."

"No. I mean, not that I don't want you to but, don't you want to go house hunting for a house to start a family in? A house we can move into right after we're married? Instead of going back to my shitty town home on base.. I think it'd be worth the wait."

"I don't really care. I don't mind. As long as we're married as soon as possible."

"So you'd be willing to live with me on base?"


"What about all your stuff?"

"I could leave it all at the house I have now."

"What about Ford? Isn't that why you bought the house, for him?"

"True." He sits and thinks for a minute. "Yeah, maybe it's best we put planning on hold until we can figure things out."

Him. (•Blake Griffin Fan-fiction•)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon