Chapter 45

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   I'm sound asleep when Blaine starts crying. I swear I've only gotten 3 hours of sleep since we got back from the hospital over a week ago. But I wouldn't have it any other way. "I'll get her." Blake says in his tired raspy voice. He gets up from the bed and leaves the room. A few minutes later Blaine's cries stop. I know I'm supposed to be sleeping right now but I can't until I know she's gone back to sleep. I hear Blake coming back into the room. He climbs back into bed and wraps an arm around me. "Did you change her diaper before feeding her?" I ask.


"Did you check it after?"

"Yes. Now quit worrying and go to sleep." He sounds annoyed.

"Ass." I elbow him. He snickers.

"Well you don't need to worry. I know what I'm doing."

"I'm not implying that you don't know what you're doing. It's just, this is my first baby. Like, I'm entitled to feel worried aren't I?"

"Yes, but you don't have to be worried all the time."

"Okay, well shuttup." I get annoyed.

"Okay." He laughs.

The next day is a chill day for us. We lounge around still in the clothes we went to sleep in. Blake still shirtless and in his black Jordan trunks. I just wear a tank top with sweats. Taylor and Marieka are supposed to stop in for a visit and to meet the baby for the first time.
We get Blaine ready for her first bath. We were advised to do sponge baths only, until the umbilical cord fell off. It fell off last night so today is the day for her first bath. We get everything set up, towels laid out, lotion ready, pacifier on stand by. After we get the bath water to the right temperature, we undress her. She already starts crying. "Oh, my gosh. I'm scared. I don't want to do this. Let's just keep sponge bathing her until she's ready." I suggest.

"She's ready now."

"No, she's not. She's crying and we haven't even put her in the water yet."

"Well, she's going to cry, of course. Babies cry, it's what they do. It's now or later. It's going to happen either way and she's going to cry either way."

"Okay." I sigh.

"Alright, here we go." Blake lowers her into the water and she begins wailing. He grabs her wash cloth and soaks it then squeezes the water on her. He does this repeatedly and to my surprise, she calms down. "See, she likes it. You like it don't you baby girl?" He begins talking to her.

"Ugh, how are you better at this than me?"

"Don't put yourself down. You're doing good. I promise. I just had a little practice, remember that." He reminds me.

We get Blaine out and lather her up with some good smelling baby lotion. "Crap, I forgot to bring her clothes in." I tell Blake. Blaine starts getting fussy. "I got her while you grab them." He tells me. I rush to the nursery to grab her clothes not realizing by the time I get back to the bathroom, she stopped crying. Blake is still holding her up against his chest. "Is she sleeping?" I ask. He's already looking down at her. "No, she's just looking at me and observing her surroundings."

"I guess skin to skin really does work."

"Skin to skin? What's that?" He asks.

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