Chapter 20

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We step out into the bright sun after leaving the dark cinema, where we watched The Night Before. The sun is so bright, it's like there was never even a snow storm yesterday. "Want to get something to eat?" Blake asks. I look back at my stepbrothers, whom we invited at the last minute, just to be nice. "You guys hungry?" I ask. "Yesss." Mike replies. "Yeah, I could go for some grub." Matt chimes in.

    We go to a Denny's nearby. We're immediately seated in a booth. Everyone is staring in our direction. It's really uncomfortable, I don't know how Blake deals. After the waitress takes down our drinks a young boy approaches. "Hi, Blake, can I get a picture?" He asks. "Sure, buddy." Blake accepts. They take a selfie together and the boy thanks Blake then retreats back to his table. "What'd you think of the movie?" He asks unbothered by the attention. People are now snapping pictures from afar. "It was fucking hilarious. Seth Rogen was basically high throughout the whole movie." I answer. "Yeah, and their crazy ass dope dealer too." Matt adds. We laugh. The waitress brings our drinks and takes down our orders. After ordering a few guys come up and talk to Blake. They talk about the Clipper's season so far then ask for a picture after. Blake has to get up from the booth to take a picture with them. They ask me and Mike to take the pictures with their phones. "This is your girlfriend?"  They ask him. "Yep." He answers. "You're from here? South Dakota?" One asks me. "Yeah, about 35 minutes North of here." I reply. "So, we'll be seeing more of Blake in South Dakota?" They continue their inquisition. Blake and I look at each other. "Yeah, I guess so." He laughs a little. "Great choice in women by the way. You can never go wrong with a woman from the midwest." Another says. "Yeah, bro. Totally agree." Blake smiles. The waitress comes with our orders. "Alright, well, it was nice meeting you. We'll let you eat. Enjoy your meal." They say before leaving. We sit back at the table and dig in. "You ever get tired of that?" Matt asks. "Nah, I'm used to it. I don't mind meeting my fans. I think it's pretty cool." Blake answers. "It's the paparazzi that get annoying." He adds. "Why don't you just hit em?" He asks. "Your crazy. Thats assault. I could get in trouble." Blake laughs. "Aaliyah, hit them." Matt says in a crazy demanding voice which sounds similar to my mom's when she tells me to do the dishes. We laugh at his crazy request. "I'm not going to hit anyone. I could get into trouble. And they're always too far to even do anything." I say. "When is the next time you're coming back home?" Mike asks. "Um, probably during the summer time."

"Well, I hope so. I know mom is happy you're back. Happiest I've seen her in a while."

"I'll make sure she comes back." Blake says.

"Cool, can't wait to see you guys again. Maybe we could run games."

"For sure. I'm down." Blake agrees.

     We head back home afterwards. "Hey!" Mom says as we walk through the door. She's sitting on the couch. "What's up?" I say. I lean up against the couch across from her as Blake stands close by. "Pop just called." She tells me. "What did he say?" I ask. "He just asked where you were."


"You should go see him."

"Yeah, I'll head over there in a bit. Let me break out of this food coma real quick." We head to my room. I lay down on my bed.

"I seen your pictures on the wall."

"What pictures?"

"Pictures of you, Nicki, and Desi. Some others of you as a little girl. The one of you in your 'formals' is that what they're called?"

"Dress blues."

"Yeah, and I seen your medals, basketball and volleyball. I thought you said you didn't play?"

"Summer leagues.. I just joined because there was never anything to do."

"What age did you start playing and who taught you?"

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