Chapter 13

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October 29.

Blake and I have been together for more than 2 months now, almost three. I feel like this is the real deal. At least I hope it is anyway. Jess, Merce, Nicki and I are seated in the third row at the Clippers first regular season game. They're playing the Dallas Mavericks.  We watch as both teams warm up. Blake is looking too damn good in his long sleeved shirt and sweats. The team go to their bench and the lights go out. They announce the starting line up. We cheer as we hear Blake, Chris and DJ's names.

     The Clippers dominate on their home court with a final score of 104-88. We leave the Staples Center and head back to my place to get ready for a Halloween party.

It took an hour for us to get ready. I receive a text from Blake as we're about to leave.
BG: You still going to that party?
Me: Yeah, we were just about to leave. Do you have Ford now?
BG: Yup, got him after the game. Guys night tonight. DJ is bringing the popcorn.
Me: Lol. Too cute. You guys have fun. Don't stay up too late.
BG: Send me a pic of your costume.

I take a picture in front of my mirror. I decided to dress up as Aaliyah's character in the movie Queen of the Damned. I'm wearing the crown, the jewelry, I think I have the costume down to a tee, vampire teeth and all. I had Nicki do my make up and she did a damn good job. I send him the picture. He texts back:
BG: Damn, come see me later.
Me: I'm not gonna intrude on your time with your son. Lol.
BG: he's going to be asleep.
Me: Still, no. Haha
BG: aw, man. Well have fun and be safe. Text me tomorrow.
Me: Ok. Good night.
BG: Night.

We arrive at the party around 11ish. Nicki is dressed up as Minnie Mouse, it's kind of a slutty ass costume for a children's character. Well she made it slutty anyway. Jess is supposed to be a gypsy, I think? And Merce of course has to be a superhero, Wonder Woman. We get drunk and get fucked up. People I never met in my life ask to take pictures with me out of admiration of my costume. I honestly didn't think anyone would have a clue who I chose to dress up as. Somewhere during the turn up I get a notification from instagram. I open it and see that Blake posted the picture I sent him. He simply captioned it "baddie", I can't help but to smile at this and his stupid caption. I begin to wonder what he's doing. "Hey!" Nicki yells breaking me out of my train of thought. I look up at her. "What are you smiling at?" She asks. I show her. "Aww, baddie Aaliyah cosplaying baddie Aaliyah." She slurs loudly over the music. "You're so dumb." I say as we burst into laughter. Someone comes around with 1 dollar shots and of course we do a few. "I'm too fuckin drunk right now. I think I'm ready to go home and pass out." I look at the time and it's almost 1:30am. "Just wait until they stop serving alcohol and then we'll go home." Jess says. I want to text Blake but I'll just wait until tomorrow. I don't want to say some stupid shit and regret it later. I look back at the pictures Blake posted of us on his instagram and read the comments. I look at one picture where we're laying in bed together. He has his shirt off and we're cuddling. One comment reads "Aww Blake, I'm so happy for you. Good luck in your relationship." These are the comments I like. Of course there are some downright rude motherfuckers that comment. If only it were possible to punch a bitch through the computer. "Last call for alcohol!" I hear one of the servers yell. Finally, some of these fuckin comments were getting me heated. I exit out of instagram and wave the server over. We order shots and some beer. I call for an Uber to pick us up as we sip  our drinks. Out of no where Jess and Merce are arguing with some girls and I don't know what about. Fuck. "Stop, stop!" I yell at them. The server comes with our drinks  "Let's just drink whatever we have and leave like we said we was gonna do." I tell them as I push them away from the situation. I don't ask them what the argument was about because I don't want to get them started again. We drink our drinks before the Uber let's us know it's outside waiting. "C'mon let's go. I'm tired and this costume is getting uncomfortable, titties are about to pop out and shit." I joke.

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