Chapter 23

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The clatter of something falling on the ground wakes me from my nap. I lift my head up from the pillow to see what it was. Blake is picking up whatever he dropped. "What was that?" I ask. "My fucking bottle of cologne, it fell out from my bag and broke." He laughs. "Bout time you wake up." He adds. "I was tired as heck. I'm getting old. Might have to join Kobe and retire." I joke. After the game we're told to put our sizes down so they can put in an order for our promised shirts and coats. Blake donated $5,000 of his own money to the charity. My mom was among those in the crowd along with pop. Before we left the house she said she'd cook big meal for us, win or lose. I told her she didn't have to, but she is anyway. I was going to help her cook, but I fell asleep on the way home. I came in my room and finished out my nap. "What were you doing this whole time?" I ask. "Um, Mike came to the room and invited me to play 2k16. We just got done playing not too long ago." He tells me as he sits on the bed with his phone in his hand. "Ohh, I'm going to go see if the food is almost done." I say getting up from the bed. I come out of my room and go into the kitchen. "Hey, sleepyhead." My mom greets me. I sit down at the table where Pop and my uncle are sitting. "Where are you with the food?" I ask. "Almost done, just waiting on the gravy and green beans." She tells me. I get up to admire her cooking. She made fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, yeast buns, and green beans. I can't wait. "What about dessert?" I ask. "Jeeze, where does all your food go? Your a small little thing but you eat like your in a food competition." Pop says. I just laugh at his comment. "We're having coconut creme pie and banana cream pie. You're favorites." She says. "Yesss." I say excitedly under my breath. I head back into my room where Blake is talking on the phone, I leave to let him have some privacy. I sit on the couch and watch some tv. The local news is on, they start to talk about the tournament and how Blake was in attendance mentioning me as his girlfriend. A few minutes later Blake comes out to join me on the couch. "Hey you missed it, we made the news. Ha!" I tell him. He looks like something is bothering him. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Brynn just called. She asked if I could come back a little early to watch Ford. Some kind of emergency came up."

"When do you have to go back?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"Aw, man. Really? Well, alright." I say. "Dinner is ready." My mom interrupts before I can say anything else. We get up to sit at the table where we say grace before eating our winners dinner.

   The next morning we get up early and go for a run. I show Blake all the beautiful places I knew of on our route. We stop and chill at a pond before heading back to my house. "We should have a little cook out before you leave." I suggest as we sit on the porch and sip our bottled waters. "Are you going to cook?" He asks. "Yeah, I'll cook for you." I tell him. He smiles. He starts laughing out of nowhere. "What?" I look at him confused. "Nothing I just thought of something."

"What's that? I ask.

"Remember that scene on the movie  Baby boy, where they're having sex and he's all 'you gonna make me tacos?'" He laughs. "Shall we go remake that scene?" He looks at me with a smirk on his face.

"Not here. Maybe when we get back home." I joke. He just gives me a look of dissapointment. All of a sudden a mysterious truck pulls up to the house. "Who is this?" Blake asks. "I don't know. I think it might be for my mom." I say unsure. Matt comes out to join us on the porch. "Who is that?" He asks. I shrug as I wait for them to get off the car. Motherfucker. It's my so called 'father'. I stand up from my sitting position. Blake and Matt both watch me, they look at each other in confusion. "What do you want?" I ask. "A nice 'Hello' would've been better." He says as he approaches. "Nah, you don't deserve that. What do you want? My mom isn't here."

"I come to see you. I heard you were back on home leave. Marine, huh?"

"I think you better leave. You're not welcome here."

Him. (•Blake Griffin Fan-fiction•)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ