Chapter 24

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June 22nd.

I stare out the window of the plane, admiring the view. Although I feel uneasy. My home leave was good. It wasn't until the final days that I felt ready to be back in California. Mainly because Blake has been distant over the past few days. We've only been texting and his texts are short or one worded. I tried to Facetime him so that we can talk, somewhat, face to face. I just want to get to the bottom of what's going on with him. He makes up an excuse as to why he can't everytime I asked. Them doubting bitches probably jinxed me. He tells me last minute that he can't pick me up at the airport, like he said he would before he left. I have to ask Jess to pick me up.

      Jess drops me off at home. "Text me later." She tells me. "Okay." I grab my bags and get off the car. I set my bags by the door when I hear my phone vibrate.

BG: You back yet?
Me: Just got home.
BG: Come over.

         I knock before entering. "Hello?" I look for him in the living room. "Out here." I hear him say from the direction that leads out to his basketball court. I sit down and wait for him as he shoots around. "Hey.." He greets me flatly. He gives me a lame ass side hug. No kiss or anything. "Okaay..? What's going on?" I ask as I sit back down.

"Nothing." He sits across from me still gripping his ball.

"I mean, whats going on..with you?"

"What do you mean? Nothing." He snickers. Obviously trying to mask whatever he's feeling.

The sound of his phone ringing interrupts. I look around, spotting it on the table nearby. I reach over and grab it before he can. "Give it to me, Aaliyah." He holds his hand out.

"Nope, answer me first." I hold it away from his reach.

"Okay, well give me my phone back." He tries to grab it.

"Why? Scared I might see something you don't want me to?" I pretend that I'm going to unlock it before he snatches it out of my hand aggressively, leaving me shocked that he would even react like that. "What's wrong?" I laugh trying to take away the feeling of tension. I try to wrap my arms around him. He grabs them and slowly backs out of my embrace. "Should I just leave?" I ask, as I feel a lump growing in my throat. He shakes his head as he takes a seat.

"Ahem.. We need to talk." He murmurs as he stares down at his hands.

"About?" My heart drops to my stomach as I've heard these words before, from what I know, nothing good comes after.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush or sugarcoat anything. Brynn and I have been talking..." He pauses, not looking up at me for a second. "We've decided that we want to try to make it work, as a family--" He says before I cut him off. "What? What do you mean? Why? Why now? Why so suddenly?" I ask angrily.

"I'm trying to tell you, if you let me just talk." He says frustrated.


"The other night after I dropped Ford off back at his moms, he asked me to stay. I told him I couldn't and he asked why. I didn't know what to say, so, I just said because I didn't have anywhere to sleep. He said you can sleep with mommy. Mommy's and daddy's are supposed to sleep together. I politely turned down his offer and told him I'd be back to see him tomorrow. He continued asking me to stay, I told him I had to go back home. As I was leaving he cried after me. It hurt me to see him crying after me. When I got home I just laid in bed thinking, what if he starts to have the same feelings towards me that you have for your dad. I feel like I have to give this a chance, for him. If I don't, it's just going to eat at me. Making me wonder what if. Don't get me wrong. You were the best girlfriend I've had, by far. We click in all the right places. You're one of my bestfriends. I just..." He pauses, sighing in frustration. "Have to do this for my son." He adjusts his snapback as he finally looks at me for the first time since I've been here. I sit there in silence, not sure what to say.

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