Chapter 35

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The next day after work I come home and take a nap. I wake up to Blake's kisses. "Mm.. Babe." I say tiredly. "I missed you." He smiles. "I'm still tired." I get comfortable and snug in blankets. "Go back to sleep, let my seed grow." He gets in bed with me and we cuddle.

"Hey, let's go get something to eat." Blake wakes me up. As I sit up in the bed I immediately begin to feel nauseous. "I'm not really hungry but ok." I get up and get ready. "Were you sleeping too?" I ask.
"No. I was watching a movie."

"What movie?"

"Step brothers."

"Aw, man. I missed it?"


"I want to watch the part where Brennan sings and Dale's all 'You sound like a mix between Fergie and Jesus.'"

"Yeah, and that part where they're singing in the car." We laugh as we think about it. "Well, I'm ready." I tell him. "Alright let's go."

We head inside the restaurant unseen. We get seated and order our food. "Did you tell your mom yet?" Blake asks. 

"No. I was going to call her after I got off work but I was too tired. Did you tell anyone yet?"

"No. I figured I'd wait until you were ready."

"I guess we can tell our parents and our closest friends but that's it for now."


"I kind of want to call my mom now."

"Call away."

I grab my phone and dial the number. It's rings. "Yes?" My mom answers.

"Moooommmm." I say in a sing songy voice. Blake laughs.

"Yeessss." She sings back.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm cooking right now."

"What are you making?"

"Steak tacos and rice."

"Damn it."

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing. Blake and I are out to dinner right now. Anyway, so, guess what?"


"You're going to be a grandma!"

"What?!?!" She screams. The line goes quiet for a bit before I hear her sniffling.

"Mom, are you crying?"


"Why?" I laugh.

"I'm just happy. I'm happy for you guys. I can't wait."

"Thanks mom. I can't wait either."

"Did you have an ultrasound done already?"

"No, we have that set up for my next appointment next month."

"Keep me updated."

"I will. I'm gonna let you go now. Our food is here."

"Call me later. I love you."

"Ok. Bye. Love you." The call ends.

"She cried?" Blake asks.

"Yeah." I laugh a little. "It's her first grand baby. Like, it's crazy, we're having a baby." I say excitedly.

"How are you feeling so far?"

"I feel like I'm hungover. Like, I want to eat but I can't because I have that feeling of wanting to throw up."

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