Chapter 19.

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Post Thanksgiving.

Desi, Nicki and I are laying in my room watching movies. It's pretty late. We spent the day eating left overs and tuning into the Clippers game. My mom let's me borrow her car so that I can pick Blake up later. The girls visit while the rest of the house is sleeping.
"Are you nervous?" Desi asks.

"Yeah, I know mom is going to say something crazy."

"Well you have to expect that, she's your mother. She's going to say what's on her mind if it concerns her baby." Nicki says.

"You told her about the incident in Malibu, right?" Desi asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

"Snitch. Snitches wind up in ditches." Nicki says as she files her nails.

"Fuck you." I laugh. "I tell her everything."

"Okay, then don't be mad when she voices her opinion on those things." She glares.

"Okaaay? Are you mad at me? Or? What's going on with you? Is Austin still coming?"

"I'm sorry, this pregnancy got me feeling all types of ways. No, he's not coming. We got into a fight and I told him not to come."

"So I'm driving to the airport by myself?"

"Sadly, yes."

"You're just going to leave me hanging?"

"You ain't seen your man in more than a week. Trust me, I know he's going to want to be alone with you. It'll probably be all the alone time you get while he's here."

I sigh a deep breath. "Y'all are petty, but I guess you're right."

I get up and get ready to go to the airport. The girls go home  right before I leave. "Call us tomorrow." Desi says before they leave. I nod. I grab the keys and my phone. When I open the door I see snow softly hitting the ground covering everything in sight. I'd better hurry before the roads get slick. I get in my mom's black Lincoln Navigator, a big ass truck for little lady. I'm with that. I start, what feels is going to be, a long drive to pick up Blake. As soon as I pull onto the interstate the snow starts pouring in making it hard to see.

     I make it safely to the airport. I don't know why, but I start to get the butterflies as I walk into the airport. This is the longest Blake and I have gone without seeing each other since we've been together. I sit down on one of the chairs in the airport and wait. After about 15 minutes of waiting, I receive a text on my phone.

BG: I see you.

I look up from my phone and scan the airport for the 6'10" giant. Shouldn't be that hard to find. Oddly enough he is hard to find in this late night slew of people. "Aye!" I hear a deep voice. I turn my head in the direction in which it came. There he is, with that big smile on his face. He's wearing a black pullover sweater with his hood up and a back pack on. I walk up to him. I jump up and he catches me. He spins me before he sets me back on the ground and gives me a long hug. He's warm and his cologne smells good. "I missed you." He looks down at my shortness. We kiss. "I missed you too." I smile. "You ready? You got everything?" I ask. "Yep." He shows me his bag. "Ok, let's go." We head for the door. "Holy fuck it's cold out here." He's already shivering and we haven't been in the cold air all but 5 minutes. "Too used of that Cali weather." I laugh. "Damn, I guess. Shit ain't no joke." He says as we get in the car. He sets his backpack in between his legs. "Are the roads bad?" He asks.

"Um, not really. The snow makes it hard to see though."

"With your driving, let's say a prayer." He bows his head and tries to grab my hand for me to join.

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