Chapter 29

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3 1/2 months later.

My gun is my best friend. I sleep with it. Shower with it. Piss with it. Talk to it. My gun is my best friend..

"Tell me what your favorite song is." My friend Jaxon Howard asks me as he cleans his gun. He's in the same platoon as me in this operation we've been sent on. We've become pretty close in what little time we've been here. He's handsome, the most handsome man I've ever come across in the marines. He's respectful, he's funny, he's smart, he's everything a woman prays for. He's the type to buy you flowers just because, kind hearted but with a hard exterior. The type of man I'd want to father my kids. He'd have em in check saying "yes sir, no sir." To everything. I think that's what I came in here for. To find a husband I know who'd love me, protect me, fight for me. He's husband material, if I could, I would've put claims on him. Sadly, someone beat me to it. She's his wife, the mother of his only child, and one lucky ass woman. And to me he's just a friend. Someone who makes this shitty place somewhat tolerable.

"Again by Fetty Wap." I tell him.

He looks up at me and shakes his head. "I knew you were one of those people. The ones who like today's crappy music. I mean, like, a song that actually has meaning to it, that tells a story. Not all this money, cars, and hoes bullshit."

"Well what's your favorite song? Since you have such great taste in music."

"You ever heard the song 'As real as you and me' by Rihanna?"

"No. Never. Rihanna? Really?"

"Not the point. Have you ever watched the animated movie Home about the aliens coming to earth? Rihanna does voice over for the main character."

"No. I don't watch kid movies."

"I forgot you don't have any kids."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. What I'm saying is that the song is pretty good. You should listen to it."

"Duly noted."

"What are your plans when we return home?"

"I don't know. Go be with my family I guess. What about you?"

"Same. We should link up sometime, you know, outside of this fucking nightmare."

"Yeah, we could figure something out."

"How is everything?" I hear a voice from behind me. It's Corey Allen, the cameraman, documenter, I don't know what the fuck he is. He's constantly filming us and making us do interviews. He tells us he was sent to document the first women in the front lines of combat including myself, my friend Tina, and Lauren. There are a couple other women in the platoon that I haven't really talked to yet. I know there's more than just us. But here he is, bothering us. He said he's also here to document the living conditions and how things are for us.

"Mail!!" Someone beautifully interrupts us with mail time. Finally. It's been fucking forever since I heard from the outside world. We stand by the ends of our beds in the position of attention as we wait for our mail. "Miller!" They shout my name. "Here, sir!" I step forward. He hands me my mail. We wait for the rest of the mail to be handed out before we can sit down at our cots and open our mail. As soon as the last letter is handed out we retreat to our cots. Fuck yes. 7 letters, I receive two from Nicki, one from Desi, 2 from mom, one from pop, and one from Jess. I read Nicki's letter first. I need to see how big my godson has gotten. Her letter consists of her giving me updates on her and little Andrew. They seem to be doing fine. She tells me Blake has been asking about me. And that she's givin in and told him where I went. She says there's a channel on tv that she watches and that she's seen me on it before. I have no idea what the fuck she's talking about. She further clues me in by printing out an article and a link that I wish I could fucking click. It shows a screenshot picture of me and a couple other marines. She said she gave my mom the channel information so she could check up on me every now and then. Knowing her, the tv is going to be set on that channel until I come home. She also tells me there was an article written about me on Yahoo! She printed out the article and attached it with her letter. I read it. The header reads: "Blake Griffin's Marine Ex-Girlfriend One of the First Few Women in the Front Lines of Combat."

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