Chapter 28

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3 weeks later...

I open a link that Nicki sent me. It's a video. The header reads: Blake Griffin seen with another new girl outside popular nightclub. I play the video. It shows Blake and some brunette coming out of a back entrance of a club. He has his arm around her. She giggles as he says something in her ear. What a slut.

I text Nicki.

Me: bitch, why you keep sending me these? The fuck this got to do with me?

She doesn't text back. She sent me two of these before this one. They were both different women. Lately he's been linked to this model and that model and that woman. Fuck the whole city why don't you? I'm really just over this asshole. Game texts, giving me more the reason to forget this person.

Jayceon: Come over later.

We're still chillin. There's not really a title and I'm fine with that. More than a week ago he said I could drive his Bugatti for the day if I gave him a lap dance. My first concern was, I was afraid I didn't know how to dance like he'd want. My second, I don't know how to drive stick. I told Amber Rose and she offered help. I met up with her and Blac Chyna at some pole dancing classes where we put together a dance. As soon as I got the dance down I took it to Jayceon. He was overly satisfied, giving me the D and his keys. He took me to an empty lot where he showed me how to drive stick. We drove around the city after. So, I guess you can say things are going pretty well. I never been more addicted to sex in my life. We went as far as doing it in the bathroom of a restaurant. I think it's because I was so used to getting sex every other day to not getting any for 3 months straight. I was and am craving for the touch of the opposite sex. Or maybe I'm just craving for the touch of one person? And I'm just filling that void with sex? Hmm...

After work I head over to Jayceon's. I let him know I'm outside. He tells me to come in. As I enter his house he's laying on the couch. His assitant, manager and a friend accompany him. "Hey." I smile. "Whatsup." He sits up. The others leave the room. "What you doing?" I ask as I sit down. "Nothing, watching ESPN." He shuts the tv off. "I thought you were supposed to leave to New Orleans today?" I ask about his event. "Um, not till tomorrow." He tells me.

"Ohh. What you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, probably finish packing." The conversation is empty as hell. I should've just went home and napped.

"Hmm.." I don't know what to say.

"Can I ask you something?"


"So we been fuckin around about a month now. Do you see this going anywhere? What are you looking to get out of this? Whatever this is.."

"Uh.." I feel like a deer in fucking headlights. "I'm just trying to have fun, I guess."

"And what is fun to you?"

"I don't know? Fuckin, chilling, going to clubs..."

"But you could do all that in a relationship.." He makes a gesture and facial expression that emphasizes his confusion.

"It's a difference when there's no attachments. No feelings."

"So, basically we're just killing time?"

"I guess...? What are you trying to get at?"

"I'm saying wouldn't you want to just take it a step further?"

"Not really... I'm good, I'd rather just chill."

"I'm just saying, I'm getting up there, you know? When I'm with you, you give me that feeling of wanting to settle down. Shit we could go out right now and find you a ring, I promise you I'll be the most loyal motherfucker."

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