TBOTE 45 ☠

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Hanji managed to keep Eren's heartbeat at a normal pace as she stitched him up.

Mikasa's hands were bloody up to her wrists and she hadn't even realized it until Levi pointed it out.

The twins were fully healthy and looked to be very happy, they were only an hour old so they were fast asleep.

Hanji smiled as she watched Levi. He sat next to the nursery beds and watched the babies. The little girl had her tiny fist wrapped around Levi's finger.

"Levi stop being adorable." Hanji mumbled and wiped her hands off with a towel.

Levi rolled his eyes. "I'm looking at my kids. Shut up." He grumbled annoyed.

"Aye, you need to work on the attitude and get some patience. These twins will definitely be a handful." Hanji chuckled.

"Shush, you'll wake them." Levi turned and sighed when the baby girl woke up. She started crying loudly which woke the baby boy. "Thanks a lot Hanji."

Levi instinctively picked both of the newborns up and held them in each arm.

Mikasa watched him, a surprised look on his face.

Levi showed care that no one thought he had in him.

"Do you think they're hungry again? It's only been an hour." Levi asked as he looked over at the hospital bed. The steady beeps of Eren's heart beat was all they had at the moment as a sign of life from the boy.

"Not yet." Hanji smiled. "So..have any name ideas yet?"

"Nope. Saving it for Eren. Right now I'll call them baby one and baby two."

"Such a good parent." Hanji rolled her eyes and chuckled.


Hours went by with them all sitting around Eren's hospital bed.

The guards were outside fighting off the men that had attacked. Hanji had to make sure everyone was ready to run if they needed to.

Eren was still unconscious, but started moving around in his sleep.

Eventually, at around three in the morning, Levi stayed up with the twins. Mikasa, Armin and Hanji all fell asleep in the room either on the floor or on the small couch in the corner.

Levi sighed quietly as he watched Eren and had to take a double take when he saw the boy's eyes slowly opening.

"Eren?" Levi stood up holding the twins as he approached the bed. He looked down at Eren closely.

Eren looked up at Levi blankly for a moment before realizing he was awake.

His eyes widened at the sight of Levi holding the twins, tears instantly filled his eyes and rolled down his cheeks.

Eren sat up slowly, wincing softly from the wound. He smiled weakly. "Hey."

Levi frowned lightly knowing there was one thing he had to do. "I'm sorry for leaving." He mumbled. "Want to hold them?" He asked.

Eren nodded. "Duh." He let out a soft giggle and put his arms out.

Levi handed Eren the baby boy first as he kept the girl in his arms.

Eren smiled and looked at Levi, raising an eyebrow. "Already have a connection with our little girl?"

Levi rolled his eyes. "No. I just gave you him first because she's fussier."

"I saw the way you looked at her. It's cute." Eren said quietly as he looked down at the baby boy who stared up at him with a confused look on his face.

Levi sat on the corner of the bed and looked at Eren. "What do you want to name them?"

"I actually picked names..I knew you would leave it to me." Eren mumbled, a sad look on his face staying for a second before he smiled.

"What are the names?" Levi asked, rocking the baby girl.

"Ryder and Kari."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Any specific meaning for those names?"

"Well Kari means strong. It reminds me of my mom. Her name was Karla, which also meant strong."

"What about Ryder?" Levi asked curiously.

"It means knight." Eren laughed quietly.

(Okay so Ryder was a name I randomly chose-- I searched for years for French boy names that meant something like 'survivor' but found none. Kari means strong and its German. I thought it'd be cute since Karla's name was the same and Eren still thinks about his mom)

"Ah, so Ryder and Kari." Levi chuckled quietly and looked down at the two babies that had fallen asleep.

"What about middle names?"

"We can think of that later." Levi looked down at Kari.

Kari's eyes opened slowly as she looked up at Levi. She squirmed around in his arms a bit, getting fussy.

"Shh Kari shh."

"Wow." Eren smiled.

"What?" Levi rolled his eyes.

"The fact that you're actually acting like a father surprises me." Eren mumbled and kissed the top of Ryder's head.

"Oh shut up. I'm not going to act like an asshole."

Eren sighed and rolled his eyes. "You still have some explaining to do."

"No I don't. I'm here right now aren't I?"

"That's only because Hanji went to get you." Tears started falling from Eren's eyes again. "If she didn't get you, you'd be gone!"

Mikasa slowly woke up when she heard voices getting louder. "Eren?" She smiled but frowned when she saw him crying. She glared at Levi.

"I think you should give him some time." Mikasa mumbled and took Kari from Levi gently.

Levi rolled his eyes and walked out.

"How are you feeling?" Mikasa asked and handed Eren Kari.

Eren looked down at Ryder and Kari, the two babies cuddling together in his lap.

"Fine, a little sore though." Eren sighed. "I really thought I wasn't going to wake up."

"It was a close call Eren. We thought you died." Mikasa frowned and sat on the bed.



@bookbinder - "1. Are you positive you won't date me? Cuz, ur single at the moment and I'm ready to mingle. XD"

"I am not single. I'm with Eren, even if he denies it, I'm still with him. Sorry." Levi shrugged.


"2. Would you rather be the one to carry the babies instead of Eren?"

"Well I guess I wouldn't care either way. That would mean Eren would have to top me, which I don't think he would do, but I guess I wouldn't mind in the aspect of a kid and having Eren top me. The whole giving birth and going through excruciating pain doesn't sound nice. So my answer changes to- Eren can carry the babies."


@LeslieIsABunny asked- "Erwin, what are you doing while all of this is going on?! XD"

"Trying to stay out of it. I'm a guard now so I'm helping fight of the men from the woods at the entrance of the gate."


A/N: WOOO! Updated again! Hope you enjoyeddddd~ so, now that Eren had the babies I was thinking of having Levi and Eren get 'close' again. Only if you guys would feel fine reading smut, but it's wattpad, who isn't? XD I think everyone has come across it by now. If you enjoyed please vote and comment it would mean so much! :3


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