TBOTE 142 ☠

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Ereri Instagram : xattackonererix



Eren looked at Levi and smiled faintly. "The second we get out of here we're getting married. We could go to the coast and clear an area by the ocean."

Levi nodded. "Whatever you'd like." He kissed Eren's cheek.

Jaxon squirmed and nuzzled Levi's chest.

Levi rocked Jaxon slowly. "So, let's get out of here. Now."

"Seriously?" Armin raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, let's go." Levi glanced at the vent. "This is our only way out. We won't be caught this way."

Eren nodded. "Okay, Armin first, then Levi with Jaxon and then I'll go through."

"Got it." Armin smiled and crawled into the vent.

"Hold on." Eren walked to the door and locked it. "I'm a rule breaker guys." He laughed.

Armin laughed and climbed through the vent to the other side.

Levi tucked Jaxon into his jacket, making sure he could breathe and followed Armin.

Eren lowered himself slowly and suddenly heard banging at the door.

In a panic he lowered himself down, crying out in pain from the newly stitched c-section scar.

He started crawling and screamed when he felt someone grab his ankle. He kicked and kicked, trying to get whoever grabbed him away.

Levi gave Jaxon to Armin and grabbed Eren's hands. He tried to pull Eren.

Eren whined in pain from being pulled from both directions.

Levi looked at Armin. "Put Jaxon in your jacket and pull Eren's hands. I'm going in to get the person away from his feet." He crawled in.

A soldier had been pulling on Eren's legs.

Levi growled and bit his lip. "Let go!" He yelled and pushed the soldier, sending him flying backwards.

"Go!" Levi yelled.

Eren crawled quickly and was followed by Levi.

Once they were all outside they made their way into the trees.

Soldiers ran out of the facility and looked around for Eren.

Levi, Eren, Armin and Jaxon hid in the bushes as they watched the soldiers.

They were panting from the run.

Eren was in pain from the c-section scar healing.


Once the guards gave up and contacted the hospital they went inside.

Eren held onto Levi as they walked along the abandoned road.

Armin held Jaxon as he slept.

"I can't wait to be home. I need to rest." Eren mumbled. "Where are the infected?"

"The numbers of seeing single infected has decreased. We either don't see any at all or we see a horde. Many are getting killed off." Levi mumbled.

"That's good. The humans are taking over the word again." Eren smiled. "It's about time."

Armin rocked Jaxon. "We need to camp out for the night. It's too dangerous to go further with the sun going down."

"Yup. Let's find somewhere." Eren looked around.

"We'll have to sleep outside Eren. We have no time to find a building. The hordes roam the street at night."

"But I have a baby. One little cry from Jaxon could attract that horde. That's too dangerous." Eren frowned.

"Fine. We'll find a cabin or something." Levi rolled his eyes.

The small group travelled until the sun was set. There was no sign of anything.

"We're going to have to climb these big ass trees." Levi took Jaxon from Armin and set him in his jacket. "Armin you climb up first."

Armin nodded and started climbing.

Eren turned quickly when he heard groaning. He looked at Levi. "Gun. Now!"

Levi reached into the back of his pants and pulled out his gun. He tossed it to Eren.

A horde came running towards Eren, unable to pick up his immune scent due to Armin and Levi's being so strong.

Eren's immune scent was covered by Levi and Armin's regular human scent.

Eren started shooting and motioned for Levi to climb up. "Keep Jax safe. He may be immune, but one little bite could kill him because he's so small."

Levi nodded and climbed up just as the infected reached the tree.

Eren was surrounded and could feel the infected clawing at him and the tree around him.



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