TBOTE 124 ☠

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Pre- A/N: Lil update on my life rn (not like anybody cares tho XD): I took forever in updating because I broke my phone for like the millionth time. I usually update and type the fastest on my phone so when it broke (the screen did) I just told myself I'd update in a week when my new screen came. But when it came the screen wasn't what was damaged. So we changed the battery and that wasn't what was damaged either. It's internally broken. I paid off the phone and am planning on buying myself a new one this weekend so updates will get fast eventually! I'm sooooo sorry I was gone.

Well, I was very happy to see that some were actually waiting for an update! Honestly changed my mood on the spot.

So thank you.



"Everything is so messed up." Eren whispered, hiding his face in his hands. "A part of me wishes I was never immune. I would've been dead already and probably wouldn't be in the stupid situations I'm in today." He coughed loudly, still very sick. He stood up and left the room.

Armin looked at Levi. "Thanks for telling me." He whispered.

Jesse clenched his fists and frowned. "I'm going to get kicked out now, right?"

Levi shrugged. "Are you a maniac like Aki? You kind of seem like it."

"This is the last time I'm going to say it. Aki lost his mind. He couldn't handle to apocalypse. He wasn't that bad before the world basically ended." Jesse crossed his arms.

Armin watched the two closely and sighed. He liked Jesse, he really did. He thought about forgetting about liking Jesse. He liked Aki and that went horribly wrong. 


Eren missed seeing the twins. They were kept away from him. He was getting sicker and didn't want the twins too close. He rubbed the small bump that was forming. Hopefully his little baby he was expecting would be okay. He hadn't even had an ultrasound yet.

He walked along the hallway, tired of being trapped in his room. He escaped to the roof of the hospital and did what he thought he did best, shoot infected.

He stayed up on the roof for hours, talking all of his stress and anxiety on the infected he was killing with one shot in the head.

There was a time when the infected were disappearing, but some still managed to appear.

The population was just so close to extinction.

Eren knew that they couldn't just let the infected end the world. Once everyone was gone there would be no way to get them back.

As Eren was in deep thought he saw a large truck approaching the hospital. His eyes widened as he recognized it from the military facility. "Stay on guard!" He yelled to the guards at the front gate from the roof. He coughed from yelling and straining his voice.

The teen ran back to his room where Levi sat with Jesse and Armin.

Eren kept the large gun he was shooting infected with in his hand. "The facility is here."

"I called them." Grisha said from behind Eren.

Eren quickly turned and saw his father in the doorway. "Why?"

"I was thinking, they have a form of the antidote that we want and we have a person that betrayed them that they want. Why not make a switch?" Grisha crossed his arms.

"You're crazy if you think we'll be giving Jesse to them." Eren mumbled.

"You're still willing to protect him after all of this?" Levi glared at Eren.

"I've known about Jesse and Aki being cousins. I suspected it from one of our first conversations where he mentioned having a cousin that led a community with his father." Eren sighed. "He really isn't that bad. I would still be in the facility if it wasn't for him. I probably would've died in there from how much blood they were taking from me. I was worried the twins were going to get weak from the blood that was being taken from them at such a young age. I was worried for Jazlyn as well."

"We're probably going to need to fight them then." Jesse mumbled.

"How?" Armin asked. "They're all military. They're probably way better at fighting than us."

"But they haven't been exposed to what you guys have been exposed to. Sure, they have weapons like guns, but so do we. Once those guns are taken from them they'll have trouble dealing with the infected around them. You all know how to fight infected hands on and you know it. I'm not to best at it. I haven't been out here as long as you guys have."

"I'm in no condition to fight though. More than half of the people in this hospital are sick and/or dying. Nobody can fight like this. You're sick too Jesse. We can't."

Grisha watched annoyed. "This isn't world war three. Just give them Jesse and we'll get a lead to the antidote!"



As you all know, the end of this story is coming close. I just wanted to let you guys know that I have two other ereri stories that are on the newer side. They are called "Castaway" and "Silver Linings" both are AU and are a mixture of cute, feels and even smut for those of you who liek da sexy time. Please check them out if you haven't! Thank you!

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