TBOTE 85 ☠

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Levi lifted the covers and curled up under them. He sighed quietly.

The twins were fast asleep in their crib. Levi knew they wouldn't be waking up anytime soon.

The man slowly drifted off the sleep. For the first time in a long time he woke up frantically. His heartbeat was a thousand beats a minute.

He had a nightmare.

It was a normal day. Early spring maybe. Time was so messed up they had no idea when the seasons were.

Eren was as pregnant as could be. He looked larger than when he was pregnant with the twins.

The nightmare switched over from Levi seeing Eren pregnant to seeing the teen later on, holding a baby.

The baby was way too young. It was impossible to tell if he looked like Levi for not.

And then the part that made him wake up...

The baby was around five months old.. he had Aki's blue eyes and a dark brown hair. Eren's brown hair mixed with Aki's black hair.

There still could've been a chance that it was Levi's baby, but somehow he just knew that that was the end. It wasn't his.


Levi looked around the dark room, he heard the twins babbling loudly and saw Eren fast asleep next to him.

He got out of bed and reached over to pick the twins up.

Out of nowhere a shadow emerged from behind Levi and grabbed him. Another stood in the doorway, watching.

Levi's eyes widened and he instinctively turned to attack whoever was there.

It was a stranger. The man had a mask pulled over his face.

Levi made sure the twins were safe in their crib before facing the stranger even more. "What do you want?" He hissed, reaching in his pockets for the knife he kept at all times.

The stranger stayed quiet, knowing they'd instantly be recognized if they spoke.

Levi walked closer, pulling the knife out. "Talk, or so help me, I will kill you right here."

In the moonlight Levi could see the stranger slowly taking off their mask.

Levi almost dropped the knife at the sight.


The stranger by the door also removed his mask. Levi was close to tackling and killing him. Aki.

It all hit him at once, Levi needed to shake his head a few times. He needed to make sure it wasn't a nightmare inside of a nightmare.

"Eren." Levi called out as he backed up towards the bed.

Eren squirmed in bed, only in a baggy t-shirt and some knee high socks. Eren liked sleeping naked but couldn't when it was cold. So his clothing choices was how he was able to still feel naked and sleep normally.  (Plus Eren looks adorable in knee highs/thigh highs (; )

"What?" Eren whined sleepily with his eyes still closed.

"Get up." Levi mumbled and pulled the covers off.

Eren slowly sat up and fixed his shirt and knee highs. He rubbed his eyes before looking towards the direction Levi was.

"Oh my.." Eren's eyes widened and he quickly stepped back. He began to panic. The two people he hoped he'd never see again.

Grisha, the father who abandoned him, and Aki, the older teen that kept him hostage with Armin and could be the one that got Eren pregnant.

They were both together in one room.

Eren couldn't take it. Seeing them both, knowing how much they both had hurt him. He felt so much pain in his chest.

Levi watched Eren closely and took his hand in an attempt to comfort him.

"W-What do you want?" Eren asked his father, trying his best to ignore Aki.

"I was trying to find you." Grisha said quietly, "The other doctors and I found Aki's community and saved him as he was being attacked. We somehow both were talking and found out we knew you. Aki had just saw you and knew the direction you guys were heading. We let him in the group."

"You found me. What are you gonna do now?" Eren asked, biting his lip.

"We need you." Grisha said, crossing his arms.

"You're immune. Your father needs you." Aki walked over and stood next to Grisha.

"We have Jazlyn, she's in good condition now. She's all healed because of you, Eren. She has some scars from the bites, but other than that she's healthy and is now immune herself."

Eren's eyes widened. "Where is she?"

"Outside with the doctors."

Eren sped past Aki and Grisha. He ran outside to see Mikasa, Jean, Armin, Marco, Yukara, Erwin and Hanji standing with the doctors.

"Eren!" Jazlyn smiled and hugged Eren's leg as he approached.

"You're alive." Eren smiled lightly and looked down.

Mikasa watched them and slowly walked over. "You saw Aki?"

Eren shuddered and nodded. "Yeah, I almost had a mental breakdown. This isn't good."

"I don't think Mr. Jaeger knows he's insane." Mikasa murmured.

"We'll have to speak to him.." Eren mumbled. 

Jazlyn poked Eren's stomach. "Where are your babies?"

Eren looked away from Mikasa and down at Jazlyn. He smiled. "Inside. Do you want to see them?"

Jazlyn nodded frantically and jumped up to grab Eren's hand. "Yes! Show me!" 

Eren scooped Jazlyn up and carried her into the house. He led her upstairs. 

Grisha and Aki were trying to talk to Levi, but it really wasn't working. He glared angrily at them. 

Jazlyn looked at Levi. "Mr!" She forget his name, but still tried to be polite. 

Eren laughed and leaned Jazlyn over the crib. She watched Kari and Ryder in amazement. "They're so small." 

"You were like them a few years ago." Eren smiled. 

"I was?" Jazlyn giggled and then yawned. "Can I nap?" 

Eren nodded. "Do you want to nap with the twins?" 

Jazlyn nodded and watched as Eren picked up the twins and brought them over to the bed. He set them down and watched as Jaz cuddled to them. She slowly drifted off to sleep.

Aki watched Eren from across the room with a smirk on his face. Levi noticed and glared at Aki. He approached the taller male. "Don't even think about it." 


A/N: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! XD and I finally have the facking motivation to write again~ yaaaaay! Please vote and comment if you enjoyed :3 Thank you for reading~

-Kayla <3 


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