I Slept With Justin Bieber [18]

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| Recap |

"We'll definitely get through it," He agreed. "We are all in this together," He sang loudly through the phone.

"And you say I'm weird," I laughed.

"You still love me though," He chuckled.

"You're right, I do love you. Very much," I told him.

"I love you too, very very very much, and don't ever forget that."

Month 8 of Pregnancy
| 32 weeks |

| Ariana |

"Congratulations on eight months," Dr.Martinez smiled. "Just one more month and then you'll meet your baby boy. He has an almost perfect shot at both survival, normal, and healthy life," She continued.

"I'm very excited, but I'm also nervous. What happens if I'm not a good mom?" I held my hands together.

"You'd be surprised at how many times I've heard that from expecting mothers," She grabbed the transducer and glided it on my abdomen that was covered by the gel. "At first it's odd, you're going to be responsible for another human being that you gave life to. It's going to be hard at first but then it's completely worth it," She told me.

"How does the baby look?" I asked softly looking at the monitor.

"He's looking great. His head is down since it's around the time we prepare for the birth.By the end of this month he will be about 16 to 18 inches long and will weigh around 4.5 to 5.5 pounds," She informed me. She began wiping off the gel from my abdomen. I nodded my head in understanding and got up from the exam table with Dr.Martinez's help.

"In two weeks I want you to come by again to assess your health of you and your baby by checking your weight, blood pressure, urine, fetal heartbeat, fundal height, size and position of the fetus, edema, varicose veins, and other symptoms. I know it's sounds like a lot but it will be done efficiently. I also want to discuss your birthing plan and pain management during labor and delivery. Will Mr.Bieber be here in the next appointment?" She asked writing something down in her clipboard.

"I-I don't know," I replied truthfully. I made my next appointment and then met up with Catherine and Lola at Baby R Us.

"Have you decided on a theme yet?" Lola asked as we strolled through Baby R Us.

"No but Justin wants to hire a professional decorator to do the nursery," I told her.

"I keep forgetting he's a popstar with a lot of money," Catherine commented.

"He's definitely acting like one and not in a good way," I shook my head. "He came home late again," I stopped the cart and looked at some diapers. "He keeps saying he's busy and staying late at the studio. I get that he loves making music but there's only one month left until our son comes into the world and its like he completely forgot that being a parent comes with a lot of responsibilities," I grabbed a box of diapers in the brand Pampers in size one.

I Slept With Justin Bieber ➳ JB & AGWhere stories live. Discover now