Try to Remember

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"So Gabi, how are you?", Barry asks me.
A part inside of me flutters. I blush.

"Me?",I smile and blush again. I need to stop. He nods chuckling. "I am great! Good! Amazing! Woo it's hot today isn't it?"

Iris gives me a,' God almighty what are you saying?' look and turns back to Barry with an awkward smile.

"So Gabi have a great, good, amazing day! I gotta go to work bye guys!"

A few moments after he leaves, Iris almost screams at me,"Huh. You like Bartholomew don't you?!"
I hesitate and say," Umm, Iris, I kind of hardly know him.."

"Kind of hardly?!You have known him for almost as time as I have!!!",this woman is practically deafening.

I hardly know this Iris well enough, how am I sharing an immediate attraction of another person I don't know with her?

"Well,"she continues, "don't you have to go to work? You are going to be late on your first day!" She waves me off.

Okay I need to calm down. Something tells me I need to be at CCPD.


20 minutes later, I find myself in the lobby of CCPD. The city is the same. It even feels the same. But I cannot for the life of me put names to people who pass me by. What if I know one of them like I do Iris and Barry?

Then I see three men walking towards me. The one with spiky blonde hair says," Hey Gabi! Best of luck!" I must have given him a clueless look because he says, "Iris told me."

He must be Eddie.

Then I remember. "Congratulations on moving in with Iris!"

He flashes a grin at me.

The other man, tall and gentle, gives me a sincere nod and smiles at me. "Best of luck dear"

The last man, who I figure is the captain says,"Ms.Davis, you'll have to go to the top floor to the lab. Our forensic scientist will tell you what and how you can assist him." He nods me away.

I'm still confused when I climb up a floor. I think that this may be a dream, but, if it's not, I could be fired from my job! Besides, everything feels so real. I bend my head over my clipboard to fill in my form for my badge and as I knock on the door,

I enter and say," Hey! I am Gabriella Davis, the new assistant forensic scientist!"

"Gabi?", a familiar bit not too familiar voice says. I look up, only to see those soft green eyes.

" I didn't know you were my assistant!", Barry laughs a bit. "But from the look on your face, you probably didn't know I was the forensic scientist here either!"

We're left laughing at the worlds most terrible  joke, only to fill in the awkward silence. At least, I think so.

If I have to stay here, I would. Id leave my old life behind. One with no friends, parents or relatives who don't want you isn't a good one.

"Hey, you OK?", Barry is suddenly closer and is lightly touching my shoulder.

"Barry, can we talk?"

He is close enough in this life to know.
"Yeah sure",he pulls up a chair for me.
"I know that this is going to sound weird but all of this feels like a dream."

"I know! You're actually working with me!"

"No! That isn't what I meant. Like literally a dream. Like I don't know you or Iris or Eddie or anything. I don't remember. I also know that I have another life. Without you guys. It feels like this started today morning."

", no", he shakes his head. "Try to remember! Gabi we - we had pizza at Joe's yesterday and -"

"See that's the thing I don't know who Joe is!"

"So youre having a memory problem?"

"I have no idea with what's up with me. I don't know what to do Barry. I'm scared."

He hugs me and whispers, " hey, it's good you told me, this way I can help you and Iris won't go all loco!"

I snort at his comment.

"Did I just hear what I think I heard?" , he asks me pulling away with a smirk on his face.

With that, the tall policeman walks in," Barry, we got a case downtown."

"On it. Let's go Gabi, it's almost showtime!"


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