Your fingers laced with mine.

991 44 0

I walked further down the alley.

Iris is gorgeous and to add to that, she's known him longer. I haven't. Then why would he?

My phone rings. Cisco.

"Hey", I try saying casually.

"Umm. Barry's gone a bit loco."


"You know why."

"Ok,  on my way, I'll be there in two minutes."

"Yeah, and listen gab, chill out ok. I'm a good dating guide!"

I laugh," no you're not gonna be my dating guide! "

I hang up. Why did you shut him out?

You know it's because of that. You know you don't want you're heart broken.

You know you want answers.

"Well, well well.", says a voice from behind me.

I spin around.

The man in the yellow suit. The reverse flash.

He smirks.

"Like me to tell you a story Gabriella?"

How does he know my name?

He continues, "once upon a time, the parents of Gabriella Davis were killed...."


Ciscos POV

"You're not gonna be my dating guide!", she laughs and hangs up the phone.

I look over to Barry.

Man, he is knee deep in heartbreak hotel and will probably drown if Gabi doesn't make it.

I track her phone, she's still in the same place. She can't be, she was walking.

She must have met someone.

"What do you think we are gonna do about- these two?", caityln whispers.

"I dunno. Hey cait,  pull up the cameras on 2nd street please."

"Yeah sure. Why?"

"Cause Gabi hasn't moved from there in the last past five minutes. She would never leave Barry this long."

"Really?", Barry asks, pretty surprised.

"Yep.", I say popping the p.

"Never stops talking about the lunch you guys had yesterday."

Barry smiles a little. If it helps them then eh.

"Guys, you better come see this," caityln says.

On the screen is Gabi, standing in front of the reverse flash.

"I killed them", the reverse flash says.

Gabi looks shocked and falls to her knees.

"Cisco I'm going", says Barry, his face covered with panic.

"No, wait"

"Cisco he'll kill her!"

Gabi tries to use her powers but the reverse flash manages to dodge them.

"You really think that'll work?", he says slyly. He walks up to her.

"Thats it,  I'm going." And Barry speeds away, and in seconds we see him on the screen.

But the reverse flash is gone, and Gabi is unconscious.


Barrys POV

She looks beautiful when she sleeps. I love her, but she thinks I love Iris. I don't. Not anymore.

Her hands are small, fragile and I'm afraid if I hold them any tighter, I could probably crush them.

She looks almost peaceful.

I hope she gets up.

Get up please.

I draw circles on her hands and remember.

Barry's flashback.

"I can't do this!", I say,  grinning at Gabi.

"Oh come on chump! You gon' give up that easily?"

"I've told you before, I'm not chump!"

"Too bad!"

She looks so cute with her messy bun and with red paint on her face.

"At least try bar!"

"I'm going to make you look horrible!"

"I don't care! You put time, love and effort into that, I'll keep it forever."




"I'm done!", she says, grinning at her portrait of me.

"I wanna see!"


As I step in front of it, she bites her lip.

I see a cute weird painting of me with a microscope in the background .

"So ?", she asks anxiously.

"So, I'm in love with it. Thanks!"

"My turn!"

I lead her to the portrait I made. It looks horrible. She's in her jammies with me and we're watching high school musical, her favourite movie.

"Barry. I love it!", she hugs me.


She pulls away and see that she still has the paint on her face.

I bring my hand to her cheek and rub it off with my thumb gently.

"There", I say.

She smiles.


I smile at the memory.

Suddenly she gets up with a start.

She looks at me.

"Barry I saw- I saw him and was gonna kill me and-"

"Sshh. Its OK. I got you."

She nods. I get up and sit on the bed with her and she slowly falls asleep again, this time her head on my shoulder, her fingers laced with mine.

Hallo rainbow harpers and hippies! So I got pretty buzzed from last chapter and I decided to write another. Sorry if it's a bit too rushed!

As for the other stuff, yes there will be a metahuman battle thing next chapter so stop right there! And, yes again,  it's going to be gabis first fight.

I've got no idea if you've realised, but there are nuggets of irony hidden in some of the chapters, mostly memories. So if you've found some of them, you = genius! But if not, keep looking! 

Hint hint, there's one in this chapter.



I'm Having These Weird Dreams •The Flash/Barry Allen•Where stories live. Discover now