Chapter 22: The Forced Choice? (U)

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Shadow and his friends had arrived at a back end of a mansion. At a secret open doorway stood Kitsune and Kimbra with Kimbra running over to them “Mister Shadow and Ariana. It’s good to see you both” she said excitedly as Kitsune walked over

I see you are both doing well” said Kitsune as she looked at Shadow “you feel…different for some reason”

“well…you could say I unloaded a lot of my negativity” said Shadow casual rubbing his head

It seems so. You feel…much warmer than the last we met” commented Kitsune “May I ask what brings you here?”

“We’re…sort of passing through” said Shadow as Julia tugged on his sleeve

Shadow…are these your friends?” he nodded

This is Kimbra and Kitsune. These were the first two people me and Ariana met on our journey. Kitsune, Kimbra this is Julia and Luxe” Kitsune nodded while Kimbra ran to Ariana.

Kimbra grabbed Ariana’s hands “it’s so good to see you again” Ariana sat that Kimbra had gotten a little taller “erm Ariana…have you got shorter?”

“no…you’ve gotten taller” said Shadow “Ariana doesn’t grow as fast as you” Ariana pouted “Although you look the same height to me.”

you must have grown too” Kimbra giggled as she then went to Julia

Hi there Kimbra” said Julia as she had to look up “you really are tall and you sound younger than me” Kimbra looked proud “but that can easily be remedied” Julia grew to seven foot

whoa…Ma-ma. Julia just grew taller”

“Julia, that’s cheating” said Luxe “come back down” Julia nodded and shrunk back to her petite height “so you’re Kimbra?”

“yes that’s right. And you’re mrs Luxe? So what power do you have?”


Luxe produced a sphere of light which she manipulated into different shapes. Kimbra was fascinated “wow…that’s so cool” said Kimbra. Shadow noticed the sun light quickly vanishing

it’s starting to get dark. So Kitsune” Ariana stepped forward

I hope you don’t mind but” Ariana then put her hands together “may we rest here for the night please?” Kitsune smiled “we won’t be much problem”

“It won’t be trouble” said Kitsune It’ll be pleasant to have company”

“yeah it’ll be great” said Kimbra pulling on Shadow’s arm “come on, come on” they all followed after them as the doorway closed.

The group were all in the girls bedroom. As Julia, Kimbra and Ariana played with the toys and books, Luxe, Shadow and Kitsune spoke amongst each other. Shadow was talking to Kitsune about his loss of his darkness “so that explains why your aura feels warm and light”

“So how have you been keeping? Are all the kids okay?” said Shadow

yes they are well” said Kitsune gesturing upwards “They all currently in the 3rd floor bedroom reading a book or resting” Luxe looked relieved

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