17 // Party

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I accidentally stumble out of the car, but Kandy holds my hand to balance me.

"Thanks", I faintly smile to her and look across the backyard we were standing on, "So who's house is this again?"

She flattens out her shirt, "Greg."

"Is it Greg the-"

"-kid who once asked me out in eighth grade, yes, that Greg. It's hilarious, really. He's in my economics class this year, so we're kind of like friends now."

"I remember him", I nod, glancing down at my outfit, "Does it look like I tried too hard? Because I actually didn't."

A second-day pair of dark skinny jeans, light gray t-shirt, some random dangling gold bracelets and black flats to go with.

Oh, and Damon's leather jacket that I might've borrowed from his closet since he wasn't home.

Hopefully, he won't mind.

We walk across the yard to the front door of the noisy house, "No, you look cool. Like Angelina Jolie cool."

"From Mr. & Mrs. Smith?"


"Then I'll take that as a compliment", I say when we step in front of the door.

Kandy presses the doorbell, "We're a little late, it's 8:30, not the awaited 7:30, but whatever. Ring the bell."

"I got it!", we hear a cheery voice say through the noise before the door unlocks and opens wide, revealing a ginger guy with adorable little freckles across his nose and gold-ish eyes smiling at us, "Hey! It's you!"

"It's me!", Kandy says while I try hard not to laugh when he leads us into the house.

Immediate scent of cologne and vodka hits me hard.

People from school are seen around the house, dancing to loud house music around crowded corridors, some quietly talking off to the side, and girls in the corner taking flash selfies with their tongues out.



With a missing Kandy Johnson and two sweaty dudes asking me why I don't dress up like 'that' more often, I ended up standing riiiiight on the furthest end of the bar. Where I faced the crowd of dancers in the middle of the room, the surrounding ceiling lights sparking into a different colour of the rainbow every time a new song came on.

My head hangs low into my phone's screen as I typed away my messages to Blake.

J: You live like five minutes away
J: Why are you so late ??

B: Sorry man picking out shirts is hard

J: It's literally a drunk house party
J: do you need to dress up for it

B: wow ok maybe I want to feel good
B: and look good
B: who knows

J: Ok
J: but where are you rn?

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