We'll Bring You Home

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"Rin, did you know about this?!" I shout angrily. My little Mar was just kidnapped by a fucking angel, and don't even know why! But Rin does... I understand though, I'm an exorcist, Rin is half demon, of course Mar wouldn't want to let me know. I just wish she had told me! Maybe then I could've... What? Called for backup against an angel?! I'm an idiot. I was weak, and he took her, simple as that. Having me know wouldn't have changed anything...

The image of her mouthing "I'm sorry" before spreading those enormous black wings replayed over and over; Pain twisting through my gut each time.

I open my eyes to see a cream colored ceiling. I'm laying in my bedroom, Yukio sitting at my side. I slowly sit up, before feeling a pounding in my head. Yukio wordlessly handed me up cup of water, and a few small pills, which I downed easily. I turn to see Rin sitting in the corner anxiously, his hands randomly playing with the strings on kurakara's hilt. Everyone looks so solemn, which looks especially strange on the normally upbeat teen in the corner.

"You'll be fine, and the painkillers I gave you should kick in soon." Yukio says pulling up a chair.
"Did you know about Amare?" I ask slowly. He nods and turns away.
"Did everyone everyone know?!" I shout suddenly, and the twins both cringe at my harsh voice.
"Just us, but it was an accident. We weren't supposed to know. She didn't want anyone to know." Rin mutters under his breath.
"So... What was she hiding... Who is she?"
"She's the daughter of an angle who fell after falling in love with a human. Her mother was apparently very important, and... Well if Amare was born in heaven, she would have been very important too. I'm sorry Shura..."
"We have to get her back."
"How? We have no idea where she is, let alone how to get there!"
"Does it look like I care?!"
"Shura be reasonable!"
"My Mar is who knows where, and you want me to sit around a do nothing?!"
"Shura listen to yourself! We all want her back, but it's not like we call tell anyone!"
"I don't give a shit! I'm getting her back with or without your help!"

I jump out of the bed angrily, and Yukio puts out his arm, "at least wait until you're fully recovered."
"I'll help you." Rin suddenly decides getting to his feet.
"RIN?! What the hell Rin?! You two have lost it!"
"Listen Yukio, maybe you don't care, but Amare is my friend, and I'd feel like I was letting her down if I didn't help. Maybe it won't help, but maybe it will! And if there's a way, Shura and I will find it!"

Yukio puts his face in his hand and sighs, "Fine... I'll help... Come on, we're going to have to find a way to get up there, and that's going to take time." Rin grins at me, and we follow Yukio outside.

The grass outside is stained with blood, and I almost gag. Normally blood doesn't bother me, but there's something that feels wrong about knowing that it came from Amare. Yukio calls me over to another dark spot of crimson, "You said the angel bled right? What was he wearing where he was hurt?"
"Light gray pants, and blue boots."
"Right here, there's a large pool of blood, with a piece of blue leather resting in it. This must be his, someone get me a bag, there may be an angel summoning we can use."
"I don't really understand, but sure." Rin says running back inside.

There are feathers strewn everywhere, and although most of them are black, I find a few white ones. "Here Yukio, these are from his wings."
He nods and wraps them up in a cloth.
"I know there's some kind of summoning thing we can do with angel dna. This might not work, but can you find some of Amare's stuff? The more we have, the better the chance of it working."
I nod to him and smile.  'don't worry Mar, we'll bring you home.'

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