Work together

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School sucks ass guys. I have so much to do and we're only at the 3rd or 4th week. I'm in a play, designing for a fashion show, and still keeping up with accelerated and ap classes.
Thank you so so much for over 5k reads! You have no clue how happy I am about that. Sorry about the delay and I'm especially sorry about the chapter.

The comfortable silence in the area is rudely interrupted by a purple puff of smoke, and an annoying but dangerous clown. The demon steps into the middle of the fighting space, and if the man wasn't unnerving enough before , the sickening grin he now wears more than makes up for it. "For exorcists in training, you lot are surprisingly accepting of demons." The man laughs viciously, "so I've decided you wouldn't mind a few more."
Yukio stands quickly and glares down at the demon, "Mephisto tell me what you've done immediately!" He demands, anger dripping from his words like poison. Mephisto simply smiles and sits leisurely in the air, his sweet expression darkens, and he turns his focus to Yukio, "now what fun would that be?"

A loud explosion sounds from outside, and although I didn't think it possible, the demon's smile grows. Yukio doesn't waist any time, "everyone follow me outside, and be ready to fight!" The class follows Yukio out of the arena, and I take one last look at the smug demon and run after my classmates.

Outside in the court yard is a plethora of demons of all shapes and sizes. Noct and Suolo are alright working their hardest to fight against them, but are far outnumbered and losing ground quickly. "Mephisto lowered the demon barrier around the school." Yukio says dumbfounded. He quickly shakes out of his stupor and begins calling out orders, "Bon, Shima, Konekomaru; try and recite the fatal verses for the species of demons with the largest numbers! Shiemi put up a barrier of roots around the school as much as you can, we want to prevent normal students from getting involved as much as possible, once the wall is finished go get the other teachers who are still in the exorcist classrooms! Izumo, protect the Arias while they're chanting! Rin, Amare; help me clear out as many of these bastards as possible!

I pull out my knife and rin draws his sword, our abilities springing to life immediately. I force out as much power as I can to create a small army of shadow creatures ranging from horses to lions, and drive my knife into the nearest demon that dares try to enter school grounds. "Why are the so many of the Yukio?!" Rin shouts over the roar of battle.
"Why do you think Rin?! We have thr-two half demons and one half fallen angel just begging to join Gehenna. How convenient we're all in the same place." Yukio shouts back quickly reloading his guns.

The fighting has probably only drawn out for a few minutes, but it feels like an eternity. The Arias have managed to thin the crowd a bit, but the huge mass of demons continue to push forward. At this point I've lost track of everything but the demon blood that stains my knife and clothes and the general stink of the air. I try not to think to hard about the demons in front of me, but my mind continues to wander to the what ifs, 'what if this demon had a family?' 'what if this one is being forced into fighting?' As each second passes I find myself less willing to fight, and I feel grateful the shadow creatures I formed don't have such distracting thoughts during a battle.

I long since lost sight of my comrades, and I begin to worry. I take to the sky on powerful black wings, and see Rin and Yukio back to back surrounded on all sides, and the Arias corned with Izumo desperately trying to protect them as as they chant. I notice Noct fighting by himself and begin to fly towards him when something hits me in the side, fast and forceful. I scream out in pain but I doubt anyone can hear me. The area burns intensely and it feels like my skin is sizzling. Holy water, someone fucking shot me. I turn toward the school and notice that Shiemi successfully brought the exorcists to help. Trying to ignore the intense burning I fly towards Shura, she'll help me. She always has. A bullet whizzes past my ear, I can hear the shouts of the exorcists, but I'm almost there. A bullet catches my wing, and I'm struggling to stay in the air. Can't they tell I'm not shooting back? I scream Shura's name and she turns away from helping Shima who appears to have been badly burned. I'm so close, Shura will help me. A shot impales my shoulder and I vaguely hear Shura's screaming. My whole body is burning as I fall the final 20 feet to the ground. Shura is running over, and her shouts sound like they are traveling through water. Her arms wrap around my body which may as well be a million miles away.......

But I made it.

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